2Blue owns and operates 30+ lifestyle websites. Our mission is to inform, stir, and delight our readers.
Our sites are: hotmusictrends.com channelchatter.tv filmfiles.tv quickfashionshop.com easyfashionstop.com efashiontips.net onlinefashionideas.com itsallaboutfashion.net allaboutfinances.net mymoneymethod.com mysavingsolution.com allfitnessweb.net efitnesstips.net iwanttobefit.net familyhealthmethod.com childrenhealthsolutions.com allhealthanswers.net allhealthresources.com besthealthanswers.net besthealthylifetips.com quickhealthanswers.com hearthealthguidelines.com naturalhealthweb.net quicknaturalhealthtips.com womenshealthhelp.net quickeasyrecipestips.com homedecorationadvices.com quicktechtips.net alltechnologytips.com besttechnologytips.com techresourcestop.com alltechtips.net moretravellers.com familyhealthtips.net fitnessworkstips.com smartphonestips.net womenhealthplans.com goodtravel.in quicktechnologytips.com healthylifestylemethod.com
- Company Name:2Blue Media Group
- Parent Company Name:CLOSED
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)New York, NY, United States
10 - 50 employees
Desktop Display
Ad Network
- Headline:Ad Network
- Key Differentiator2Blue Media Group is a dual-mission business. On the consumer side, we are a publishing powerhouse of lifestyle websites, with a backbone of seasoned journalists. Our moment-to-moment goal is to inform, stir, and delight our readers. On the business side, we work with companies to deliver their finely tuned messages to select audiences through strategic digital advertising placement. This targeted specialization, referred to as search engine marketing, ensures that their message is seen by millions of readers, resulting in high-impact engagement! Launched in 2011 and greatly expanded in May 2013, 2Blue is redefining the way to reach the digital audience and make them happy to frolic in our playground.
- Approved 3rd Party Ad Serving / Rich Media VendorsSizmek - http://www.sizmek.com
- Canada 83.8%
- United States 3.2%
- Nigeria 2.3%
- India 0.9%
- Pakistan 0.7%
- Carriers
- Life and Health
They are headquartered at New York, NY, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.