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    Publisher: A Storied Style | A design blog dedicated to sharing the stories behind the styles we create. |
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    ABOUT Everybody has a story. Everybody has a style. My name is Grace Mitchell, and both of mine began when I was a young girl, smuggling things from home to trade them for fabric and craft supplies during elementary school. Several chapters later, my child-like love for design has grown into a full-fledged passion. When I am not thinking about caring for my husband and four children (ages 5, 4, 3, and 2), I am thinking about all things home. I love creating interiors that evoke a story — a history of sorts — of the owners. You can often find me on the hunt for incredible antique and vintage furniture. Yes, with kids in tow! My home in Texas, a 1921 foursquare, has become a design lab of sorts – A Storied Style often chronicles our journey through its renovation. While my husband was in school the first several years of our marriage, I became very resourceful, learning to sew and paint furniture; and also very savvy, refining my eyes to see past dirt and bad upholstery to the potential in a piece. Through the years and different stages of our lives, I have learned where to spend and where to thrift and redo, where to dream and where to be practical. Creating a home that is functional AND beautiful is a balance of those elements. As I share my findings and live-and-learn experiences, I hope your home can become more than your favorite pictures on your Pinterest board; rather, I hope we can learn and converse and create spaces together that are loved, personal, and alive. This blog is dedicated to all of the ideas constantly swimming through my brain, inspiration I discover in everyday life, smart DIY projects, and you, the reader – may you find your own Storied Style. **Special heartfelt thanks to Kat Phillips, of, for her many hours in designing and making this blog beautiful. She is responsible for all of the amazing graphic elements, as well as the background and incredible logo design.**
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