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- Headline:Publisher: A Sunshiny Day Food Health & Other Recipes For Happiness | A Sunshiny Day
- Key DifferentiatorHey Everyone! I’m Mai-Lis. I’ve created A Sunshiny Day for two main reasons: 1. I absolutely love food & cooking and wanted to share it with all the like-minded folks out there. I firmly believe that the key to happiness is keeping your body active and enjoying wholesome foods that nourish your soul (and maybe a few here and there that nourish other things, like cheese and chocolate) – in MODERATION, of course! 2. I wanted to document all of the little things that make me happy on an everyday basis. It’s easy to get caught up in the grind of everyday life and forget those little pleasures that make it all worthwhile. I’ve found that people are often looking to that next milestone in their lives to find happiness. They think that once they finish school, or get a job, or buy a house, or have children, or lose some weight – then and only then will they be truly happy. Now I’m not going to deny that these things can all contribute to your overall satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment but I think happiness can come from all those little things that happen on a day-to-day basis. Biting into a ripe juicy strawberry, watching the sunset, or cranking the tunes in your car on a sunny day with the windows open. Doesn’t it just make you smile thinking about it?? So go ahead, push towards that next goal and celebrate when you get there, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey along the way! I’m going to write down one thing every day that makes me happy, big or small. I’d love to hear from you and find out what makes you happy too! I grew up in a foodie household and I developed a passion for great food. There is very little that I don’t eat and I believe it’s partly because everything I tried growing up was always cooked to perfection. Our weekly meals consisted of things like boeuf bourguignon, Thai curry, or pork tenderloin with a red wine reduction sauce. I remember we used to beg for “normal” dinners of french fries and hot dogs like the other kids. My friends would always find excuses to come over and join in for dinner, it was never a disappointment. When I moved away to college, I was forced to navigate my own way through the kitchen and learn to make those things I missed from my childhood. Throughout the years, I’ve done a lot of experimenting and learning in the kitchen and I think I’ve grown into a pretty good cook (if you trust my husband and the puddle of drool our puppy leaves on the floor while we eat dinner every night). I’ve also dedicated myself to exercising regularly and making sure I take care of my body. A few years ago I found a great beach boot camp program that really inspired me to push my body to the next level and eat a healthier, cleaner diet. Now I belong to a fantastic CrossFit gym and I’m absolutely loving it, it has changed me in more ways than I can count. Thank you all for visiting, hope you have a Sunshiny Day!
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