- Company Name:Adventureyum
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1 - 10 employees
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorMedia Kit & PR Are you all about family fun, travel or FOOD? At Adventure Yum we treat everyday like an adventure. If you have something that you can offer us and our readers, then you’ve come to the right place. *Insert Happy Dance Here*. Media Kit PR Info For Advertising With Adventure Yum We’d love to hear from you if… You have some cool cooking tools or food or that we really need to taste, a place we really need to be, an adventure that we really need to take or amazing travel gear or necessities. We love to travel and get behind the scenes or shadow you on something cool that you do with food. Have an ingredient? We’d love to create a recipe using it! Cuz, that is so much fun! Oh and we totally love interviewing celeb foodies, so call me maybe email me. I’d love to invite you, but where do you live? We are currently living in New England, Rhode Island to be exact. But, we’ll only be here for a year or more so get us to your local place before it’s too late! What else can I contact you about? If your product is a great match, maybe you’ll contact me to be your blog ambassador. Maybe you need a totally cool chick to host your Twitter party? You can definitely contact me! We just requestfully ask that you contact us with only mutually beneficial ideas. If any of the above fits YOU, please contact me at dawn@adventureyum.com so we can chat. Need our Stats? Here’s the nitty gritty: Facebook fans - 962 Twitter followers - 641 Pinterest followers – 7353 Instagram followers - 858 If you want to learn more about Adventure Yum? We invite you to check out our About Me page! Cheers!
Site Traffic
- 28777487 Global Rank
- 7549706 United States
- 106 Estimated Visits
Traffic Sources
Paid Referrals0.00%
Geography Breakdown
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Singapore Rank
Singapore Page Views
Top Countries
- Singapore 66.0%
- Hong Kong 11.5%
- United States 6.8%
- India 4.1%
- Malaysia 3.1%
Top Sites Linking In
Top Search Keywords
- Grains and Legumes
- Tortillas
Adventureyum advertising reaches 106 visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Adventureyum will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.