- Company Name:AM 930 The Light
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- Headline:Publisher: AM930 The Light Edmonton
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertise on AM930 The Light. Imagine the possibilities! Contact our Sales Team at 780-466-4930 to book an appointment to discuss advertising rates, packages, and options. We believe that Radio Advertising needs to be a part of your overall Marketing Strategy, and for this reason strongly encourage face-to-face meetings for our Account Executives to meet with you and develop a plan custom-tailored to your needs and goals. Advertising is so much a part of our lives that many businesses do it without truly understanding why. It becomes a ‘my competitors are doing it; so should I’ situation. Here are a few thoughts about WHY you should advertise: IT CREATES STORE TRAFFIC Continued store traffic is the first step towards increased sales and expanding your customer base. The more people who come into the store, the more opportunities you have to make sales. IT ATTRACTS NEW CUSTOMERS Your market is constantly changing and advertising helps you expand to new customers in your reach. As people’s lifestyles and buying habits change, the shopper who may not have considered your products/service in the past, are a prime customer now. Only advertising can get your message to those people. IT ENCOURAGES REPEAT BUSINESS With mobility and freedom of choice, shoppers don’t have the kind of store loyalty that they once did. Stores must promote to get former customers to return – and to seek new ones. IT GENERATES ONGOING BUSINESS Even your slowest days can produce sales. As long as you are in business, you have overhead costs to meet and new people to reach. Advertising can generate traffic now… and in the future. IT'S AN INVESTMENT IN SUCCESS Advertising gives you long-term advantage over competitors who cut back or cancel advertising. By keeping your message fresh in the minds of consumers, you will be the natural choice when it’s time to buy. IT KEEPS YOU COMPETITIVE There are only so many customers in the market ready to buy at any one time – and you have to keep your regular customers and counterbalance competition’s advertising. You must advertise to keep or expand your market share or you will lose to more aggressive competitors. IT KEEPS YOU TOP-OF-MIND Advertising allows you to communicate directly with the consumers throughout their purchase decision-making process. Your name must be fresh in their minds when they decide to buy. IT PROJECTS A SUCCESSFUL IMAGE While nothing travels faster than bad news and rumors, nothing sets the record straight faster than advertising; it tells customers and competitors that your doors are open and you are ready for business. ADVERTISING WORKS! Look around: businesses that succeed are usually strong, steady advertisers. Join their ranks by advertising and watch your business grow! Why Use Radio? RADIO HITS YOUR MARKET For an advertiser, one of radio’s greatest strengths is its ability to deliver to a selective audience. The mere touch of a button can put you in touch with listeners who favor pop, hard rock, easy listening, adult contemporary, country, ethnic programming, or news & information. RADIO GETS THEM ALL Radio reaches more than 90% of teens and adults weekly. Canadians 12+ each spend about 22 hours a week with radio. RADIO BRINGS REPEAT CUSTOMERS Almost 80% of all adults listen to radio every weekday – week in and week out. This repetition builds awareness and awareness is a key component in gaining market share. RADIO IS EVERYWHERE Ninety-nine percent of Canadian households have radios and 90% of all automobiles have a radio. Radio is able to reach your customers as they go about their busy, mobile lives, especially while they are doing something else: eating, jogging, in the shower, at work, on the beach, or, perhaps most effectively of all, in the car. GETS THEM WHEN THEY ARE READY TO BUY Studies show that the best time to reach consumers is within one hour before they make their purchase. Who else is going to be in contact with consumers during that critical hour? Among the five primary media, the elapsed time between exposure and the purchase is shortest with radio. The closer the media impression can get to the cash register, the better the chance of actually influencing the purchase. RADIO STANDS ALONE Don’t want to have your advertising overshadowed by a competitors’ identical merchandise? Your radio commercial will be front and center: no distractions. After all, radio can only play one thing at a time! RADIO IS A "TEAM PLAYER" Not only does Radio work as a stand-alone medium, but it is also highly effective in combination with other media such as newspapers, magazines and television. Demands on consumers’ time make it virtually impossible to read a newspaper or magazine from cover to cover everyday, creating a very selective reader. The same can be said for television viewers. Yet, almost 90% of light newspaper and magazine readers, for example, are reached weekly by radio! Imagine the frequency gains your company can make if you combine radio in your advertising mix! "ZIP" OR "ZAP" PROOF Of all the traditional media, radio advertising is the least avoided, according to Canadian media studies. Potential customers will hear your message. NO SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS Consistency is an important commodity for any advertising medium and, unlike those with serious seasonal fluctuations, radio offers coverage throughout the year with little or no audience drop off, unlike television’s noticeable summer audience drop off. GET THEM WHERE THEY LIVE People listen to radio to find out what is happening in their community. Traffic problems, school closings, special events, local news, and weather are all reported regularly on radio. Add your message to that mix and you’ve got ‘me! Radio stations are also masters at putting together local, regional and national market promotions. You can gain high awareness and increased traffic by tying in with promotions offered by your radio station. RADIO IS COST-EFFECTIVE Radio can deliver more advertising impressions than any other medium for the same budget. With its ability to reach so many consumers on a frequent basis they make advertising very cost-effective. Add to that, it has lower production costs and fewer deadline delays than any other medium. No other medium allows advertisers the ability to pinpoint targeting as cost efficiently as radio. DON'T FORGET ABOUT CO-OP FUNDS By taking advantage of funds accrued through your suppliers, you can increase your radio advertising budget by up to 100%.
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AM 930 The Light advertising reaches 1.04k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on AM 930 The Light will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
AM 930 The Light works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Publisher Tag, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google AdSense Integrator.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
AM 930 The Light works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Publisher Tag, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google AdSense Integrator.