
A new website, dedicated to vintage technology, with a focus on everything that's going to be cool to the discerning nerd! We provide a new look at old technology, featuring none of the latest tech news that's fit to print! Affiliated with the automotive website Hooniverse.com.

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    If you’re like us, you probably love technology. You like anything with blinking lights, flashing buttons, whirring gears. If it does something cool, or accomplishes something you never thought possible, we can’t help but want it. But if you’re like us, you’re probably a bit tired of the latest tech news. It seems as though the popular media has decided that the main things that we, as enthusiasts of gadgetry in general, are only interested in the latest and most popular items. Oh look, another app for the iPhone! Wow, a new 3D television! Ooh, some new internet phone service that promises to be even less expensive than the last “free” service! Well enough of that nonsense. Scientific Progress Goes "Boink" If you’re like us, your interest doesn’t end with Steve Jobs’ latest “One More Thing”. You’ve had your fill of all the latest and greatest, and can’t help but think that sometimes, just sometimes, you wouldn’t mind being able to drag out your old Commodore 64, rather than killing high-definition aliens for hours on end. If you’re like us, odds are you’ve wandered through a pawn shop, or an old electronics shop, or a museum laden with antique machinery, and eventually someone had to drag you out by your ears, because you just kept saying, “One more minute, I wanna look at this”. If you’re like us, you’ve taken apart someone else’s electronic object at some point in your life, even though you don’t know how to put it back together, because the curiosity just wouldn’t let you leave it alone. If you’re like us, you know that Scientific Progress really does go “BOINK”. Sometimes. When you want it to. If you’re like us, you’ve found an old Popular Mechanics magazine from 40 years ago, and immediately flipped to the back, where all the little ads were, and wondered if you could still order any of those things. If you’re like us, you’ve tried to mount a record player in the dash of your car. Because you know that vinyl just sounds more natural. If you’re like us, you’ve got your favourite video game safely stored somewhere in your closet. On 5 1/4″ floppies. Because you might just be able to find a way to play it again someday. When someone releases a Bluetooth 5 1/4″ floppy drive. Because they might do that, swapping floppy disks in the middle of the game was awesome! If you’re like us, you’ve probably got a computer sitting around somewhere that still uses 5 1/4″ floppies, because you just can’t bring yourself to throw it away. You never know, someone might need it someday. It could happen. If you’re like us, you don’t find any of these things weird. It’s technology, man. It’s gadgetry! How can you ignore this stuff, it’s way too cool. We set up AtomicToasters specifically for people like us. Like our cohorts over at Hooniverse, we’re tired of seeing hundreds of tech sites all spewing the same articles, and if you are too, then come on in. We like the obscure. We want to know about random tidbits. We want to learn how we got to where we are, how technology caught up to our desires, and how we used technology to make our lives easier. We do not want to read another press release. The only marketing mavens we want to hear from have probably been retired for fifteen years. We have no interest in the latest app on the iTunes store; but we sure do want to hear about the latest radio programs for 1955! We set this site up as a refuge; a hiding place for those who are tired of being harassed to buy the newest, the latest, the greatest, and the highest-tech. It’s a place for people to learn to love technology all over again. It’s a place for people like us. If you’re like us… get your butt in here. We think you’ll like it here. Got a story for us, or something you think we should cover? Contact us at tips@atomictoasters.com! Want to join the team as a contributor? Contact your friendly editor-in-chief at dearthair@atomictoasters.com!
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