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    jeanne who? The Scoop. February 2014 I was nudged by a buddy. "Hey, isn't time to update 'Jeanne Who?' " Yes, yes it is. I have been putting it off. How much do I tell? Do you really want to know? Do I sugar coat it? I am thinking that maybe if I just tell my story, I can stop putting it off and continue on with the moving forward. Good Plan. So here goes. I moved out of the original Bees Knees Bungalow house and into my apartment, B2, in May. The divorce was final in December. I am seven months into this new life. I'd like to say that I stayed super brave, remained strong and started my own greeting card company to inspire others. However, I am not there yet. I was warned that this first year would be the toughest year of my life. I underestimated how true that would be. In my life I have lost babies and moved across country, leaving my family and friends. I know grief. But this year was a new kind of tough. The nights I do not have my children are very long and very quiet. That is not easy when I am used to a household of six. Loneliness is big and ugly. It is not good for me and I do not do it well. That is hard to admit. Out loud, in blogland. I've second guessed everything. Especially and inexplicably at 4:22 am. That's when I automatically wake up and every decision I've ever made since 1985 comes to mind. In the dark, I am absolutely sure that all decisions from that point forward have been wrong and will continue to be wrong. I am positive that I have hurt everyone and everything in my wake. I really have grown to dislike 4:22. A miracle happens and I fall asleep again. By 6:10 am when the alarm goes off and I'm done hitting snooze, all is right in my world and I carry on.
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