- Company Name:Budget Travel Adventures
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- Headline:Publisher: Budget Travel Adventures : Budget Travel Adventures
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertising 2 Thanks for checking out our advertising page! Hope it will serve your purposes and Budget Travel Adventures looks forward to partnering with you! What is Budget Travel Adventures? As a budget traveler and father, Budget Travel Adventures is all about connecting with budget travelers, families, dads (moms too!), and people of all ages who like to travel. My goal is to reach out those who work 9 to 5 and want to find a way to travel. I also want to connect with anyone who loves travel and wants information and interesting takes on travel and destinations. You don’t have to travel far to enjoy fantastic experiences. Whether you stay close to home or go to far away places, Budget Travel Adventures wants to share those experiences with you. Let’s face it – everyone has a budget so whether you like to travel on a few dollars a day or a $1000 a day, budget travel is for everyone. Budget travel isn’t about how much you spend but getting the most experience for your travel dollar. It’s why I want people to “travel passionately, spend wisely, and experience more!” So here’s a list of some of the topics Budget Travel Adventures covers Travel deals and tips Family travel Budget travel Travel planning Sacramento, northern California, and California travel destinations and events International travel destinations Volunteer travel/Giving back through travel Sports and travel Finance and budget tips travel blog with personal stories and anecdotes on travel Travel giveaways and contests Current Stats for Budget Travel Adventures Budget Travel Adventures was launched in February 2011 as I merged my two previous travel sites – Sacramento Budget Travel Examiner and Budget Travel Intentions. These two sites brought over 160k views and a number of loyal readers in a little over a year of writing. Here are the numbers For Budget Travel Adventures through May 2012. Stats are updated twice a month. Monthly visitors: 14,868 visitors Monthly page views: 22,880 page views Google PR3 Alexa ranking: 124,314 Alexa ranking US: 40,293 Twitter followers: 5215 Facebook fans: 958 RSS subscribers: 420 MOZ Rank: 4.62 Most visitors come from the United States, with a solid following in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany. The blog has received visits from nearly 140 countries. Budget Travel Adventures is listed as one of the Top 100 Independent Travel Websites as well as Top 100 travel blogs. Why advertise on Budget Travel Adventures? What will you get with advertising with Budget Travel Adventures? You will get an audience that continues to grow each month with traffic increasing every month. The site engages with travelers all over the world and with travelers of all ages. The power of social media sees the influence of Budget Travel Adventures growing every month with new readers and followers every day. With Budget Travel Adventures, it is very engaged in the travel community and seeks to share knowledge, experience, and insight from other travelers in a variety of topics like travel tips, deals, and destinations while challenging and encouraging people through travel. Advertising options on Budget Travel Adventures There are a number of advertising options on Budget Travel Adventures including, but not limited to, the following: Ads - Ads are available for pages (various ad sizes available) Sponsored content - Sponsor a post I write with a number of topics, destinations, and categories available. Sponsor a post with your widget Sponsored reviews - Have a product, tour, hotel, or service you want me to review in travel? I offer my fair and honest opinion to better serve readers and companies in the world of travel Rates are competitive with industry standard for travel writers and bloggers and are negotiable. If you want to advertise or discuss possibilities, please contact Budget Travel Adventures. Press Trips Budget Travel Adventures welcome the opportunity and be honored for any consideration for press trips and paid opportunities to travel. The opportunity for these type of trips would reach all types of travelers including budget, solo, backpacking, family, couples, and people of all ages through the opportunity writing, photographer, and even some video. These opportunities are a way to display a passion and commitment to travel to better serve those who love to travel. The travel industry is changing and independent bloggers have the opportunity to offer new eyes to an emerging market and travel. The power of social media allows bloggers to have huge influences on communities here at home and abroad. The benefit to bloggers is a quicker process for turning around content, engaging the travel community, and reaching a broad base through social media. Experience, passion, commitment, and integrity are what Budget Travel Adventures is all about. Published work on other travel websites Check out a few posts that I have had published on other travel sites. Featured in The Washington Post in an article on airline taxes Featured in National Geographic Traveler for my story on off the beaten path places in Europe A Holocaust to Remember article on yTravelBlog Featured budget travel writer in Sacramento on Examiner.com Featured contributor on Europe A La Carte Inspiring Traveler interview with A View to a Thrill Top 5 European Destinations on a Budget on Cumi & Ciki Easy hiking trails in Lake Tahoe on Easy Hiker Travel lessons from Spain on GotSaga Full Disclosure Please note that Budget Travel Adventures will adhere to FTC guidelines and disclose all advertising, links, sponsored content, reviews, and relationships with sponsors for all posts. For any press trips and services received, full disclosure will be made on each post with a disclaimer identifying what was received. All content and the opinions expressed will be solely those of Budget Travel Adventures and will be written with integrity and honesty without any regard to payment or outside influences. All sponsorships, advertising opportunities, press trips, reviews, products, services, and accommodations will be considered but Budget Travel Adventures has the right to decline any such opportunities if it is not in line with the guidelines and content of this site. Thank you for the opportunity to work you at Budget Travel Adventures and remember to travel passionately, spend wisely, and experience more!
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Budget Travel Adventures advertising reaches 97 visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Budget Travel Adventures will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
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They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Budget Travel Adventures works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, adloox, Ebuzzing, Google Adsense, Google Adsense for Domains, AdBlock Acceptable Ads.