- Company Name:College-Scholarships
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Lakewood, CA, United States
1 - 10 employees
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher: Online Colleges | Online Degrees | College Scholarships | Colleges
- Key DifferentiatorIf you represent a college or university, or offer any product or service attractive to high school students, college students of any age or educational professionals, we may be able to offer you a unique, low cost advertising opportunity. However, because we are educators and because we publish websites for students, please be advised that we are selective about the kinds of advertising we will accept. For information about us, how you may contact us, and a list of our websites, please visit our about us page. We offer appropriate advertisers a chance to run a "test" banner advertisement on our most visited page for a full month for just $550. Or, if you wish, you may have a "test" banner advertisement on any of our other pages for just $450. If you need to have a banner created, we suggest that you contact WebChick. If you are satisfied with the results of your test advertising and wish to continue advertising on one or more of our sites, we will gladly help you put together an ongoing advertising campaign which will be cost-effective for you.
Site Traffic
- 2751331 Global Rank
- 623032 United States
- 9.54 K Estimated Visits
Traffic Sources
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Alexa Traffic Data
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United States Rank
United States Page Views
Top Countries
- United States 56.0%
- India 25.5%
Top Sites Linking In
Top Search Keywords
- Financial Aid
College-Scholarships advertising reaches 9.54k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on College-Scholarships will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They are headquartered at Lakewood, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
College-Scholarships works with Advertising technology companies such as Turn, Dstillery, DoubleClick.Net, Chango, AppNexus, Resonate Insights, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Atlas, DemDex, Facebook Exchange FBX, Triggit, Jornaya, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Yahoo Small Business, MLN Advertising, Commission Junction, IponWeb BidSwitch, Neustar AdAdvisor, Aggregate Knowledge, The Trade Desk, Drawbridge, Pubmatic, Tapad, Crosswise, Facebook Custom Audiences, Rubicon Project.
They are headquartered at Lakewood, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
College-Scholarships works with Advertising technology companies such as Turn, Dstillery, DoubleClick.Net, Chango, AppNexus, Resonate Insights, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Atlas, DemDex, Facebook Exchange FBX, Triggit, Jornaya, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Yahoo Small Business, MLN Advertising, Commission Junction, IponWeb BidSwitch, Neustar AdAdvisor, Aggregate Knowledge, The Trade Desk, Drawbridge, Pubmatic, Tapad, Crosswise, Facebook Custom Audiences, Rubicon Project.