
Delivered to 150,000 subscribers by 5:30am daily, Cynopsis Media is first to report industry news essential for executives in the digital, television, sports TV, agency and media businesses; while delivering advertising partners messaging direct to key decision makers.

An industry favorite for 18 years, Cynopsis Media's free e-publications cover the digital and traditional media landscape from television programming and distribution to multiplatform advertising and emerging media platforms.

Because of its qualified and engaged executive audience, companies and candidates rely on Cynopsis Media to make the connections needed to develop businesses and careers.

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    Advertise Cynopsis Media 2014 Media Planner You are invited to partner with Cynopsis Media in 2014 on many of the high-caliber, b2b programs that serve the television, digital & media community. Cynopsis Media is the most trusted brand in the media industry, offering a wide range of resources from daily eNewsletters, award programs, networking events, boot camps, as well as online community opportunities. Cynopsis Media offers limited sponsorship opportunities online and in-person, so please reserve your space early. Please consider these outstanding lead generation, branding and business building opportunities: Daily eNewsletters & Special eRports Classified Ads/Job Postings Online Advertisement Event Sponsorship Awards/Events Webinars DAILY ENEWSLETTERS & SPECIAL EREPORTS Television and media’s essential industry news source, Cynopsis Media delivers daily by 5:30am ET to 150,000+ executives in the television, media, agency/brand and digital businesses. An industry favorite for 17 years, Cynopsis Media’s 5 free eNewsletters cover the entertainment landscape from television programming and distribution to multi-platform advertising and emerging media platforms; while delivering advertising partners’ messaging direct to key decision makers. Tap into our database of more than 150,000+ executives who read the Cynopsis Media eNewsletters: Text-only ads within daily eNewsletter content Sponsored “Trivia” section Text-only ads within Special eReports Dedicated sponsor, third-party email messages Also, Cynopsis Media publishes multiple Special eReports and series throughout the year, focused on everything from industry topics to information on major industry trade shows and events (ie: Upfront wrap-ups, NATPE, Digital NewFronts, Holiday Programming, Primetime Emmys etc). View the 2014 Editorial Calendar (6/23). For additional information on advertising in one of the Cynopsis Media properties, view our media kit - Cynopsis_Presentation - or contact Mike Farina, VP of Sales & Marketing for Cynopsis Media; mike@cynopsis.com; 203.218.6480. CLASSIFIED ADS/JOB POSTINGS Classifieds are published for 5 consecutive business days in all three daily editions (Cynopsis, Cynopsis Digital, Cynopsis Sports) reaching 100,000+ daily readers. Classifieds are also included in the weekly editions of Cynopsis Classified Advantage and Cynopsis Kids, which are sent on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, respectively. After the 5th day in the editions, classifieds are posted to the Cynopsis Media’s classified page for an additional 30 days. For additional information or to place an ad, visit the Classifieds page and/or contact Trish Pihonak, Director of Operations & Classified Sales for Cynopsis Media; trish@cynopsis.com; 203.257.6641. ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT Cynopsis Media’s recently launched website – www.cynopsis.com – is currently attracting thousands of unique visitors and page views during the new campaign launch! Banner advertising: Per month options or packages for rotating banner ad Per month options or packages for static box ad on home page Sizes: 300 x 250 or 728 x 90 pixels Other advertising opportunities: Per day/week options or packages for text advertisement under photo slider Per day/week options or packages for sponsored video Dedicated Upfront page – inquire for more details For additional information, contact Mike Farina, VP of Sales & Marketing for Cynopsis Media; mike@cynopsis.com; 203.218.6480. EVENT SPONSORSHIP The Cynopsis Media Summits are an information-packed day of learning and networking, with interesting panels/keynotes and 20+ expert speakers. Cynopsis Media offers creative thought-leadership opportunities at these events, expected to attract anywhere from 150-300+ television, digital and media executives. Sponsorships may include: exhibit space, speaking opportunity, provision of attendee list, logo on all marketing materials, exposure through press releases, co-branded opportunities and much more. Please note that all events are open to multiple sponsors, and custom sponsorship packages can be negotiated. Consider sponsorship of these important benchmark programs: Digital VC Roundtable Breakfast > May 1, 2014 – NYC Kids !magination & People Awards Breakfast > June 11, 2014 – NYC Digital BIG Monetization Summit > June 19, 2014 – 10 on the Park NYC Sports Women of Action > August 19, 2014 – NYC Sports Business Summit > August 20, 2014 – NYC Digital Summit > August 6, 2014 – San Fran, CA Kids Business Summit > September 8, 2014 – NYC Cynopsis Media Future TV Summit > October 2014 – NYC Digital Model D Awards Luncheon > November 13, 2014 – NYC Digital Measurement Summit > November 14, 2014 – NYC Sports Social Media Summit > December 2014 – NYC For additional information, contact Mike Farina, VP of Sales & Marketing for Cynopsis Media; mike@cynopsis.com; 203.218.6480. AWARD SPONSORSHIPS Cynopsis Media receives more than 1,000 entries per year in its award programs. Sponsorships include full benefits, from logo on all marketing collateral reaching more than 150,000 TV & media executives, and attendee lists to unparalleled event exposure. Additionally, as a sponsor you receive a full page, four-color ad in the Event Program distributed at the event. Consider sponsorship of these important benchmark programs: Sports Media Awards -Call for Entries Deadline: January 17, 2014 (hard deadline= January 24) -Breakfast Event: April 17, 2014 Kids !magination & People Awards -Call for Entries Deadline: March 14, 2014 (hard deadline= March 21) -Breakfast Event: June 11, 2014 Digital Model D Awards -Call for Entries Deadline: August 8, 2014 (hard deadline= August 15) -Lunch Event: November 13, 2014 Cynopsis Social Good Awards -Call for Entries Deadline: November 12, 2014 (hard deadline= November 19) For additional information, contact Mike Farina, VP of Sales & Marketing for Cynopsis Media; mike@cynopsis.com; 203.218.6480. WEBINAR SPONSORSHIPS Cynopsis Media holds 10-12 Webinars per year. Sponsorships are exclusive for each webinar, and benefits include unparalleled exposure via marketing to 150,000 executives in the television media and digital industries. Sponsorships include online promotions, provision of attendee list, and a moderating or panelist role, if desired. For additional information, contact Mike Farina, VP of Sales & Marketing for Cynopsis Media; mike@cynopsis.com; 203.218.6480. ADVERTISEMENT GET CYNOPSIS E-LETTERS Cynopsis Digital Sports Kids Classified Advantage UPCOMING SEP 08 Kids Business Summit SEP 17 Cynopsis Sports Webinar: Engaging with Teens and Millennials Across Platforms SEP 24 Cynopsis Webinar: Understanding the Latest Ratings Advancements OCT 16 Cynopsis Media Future TV Summit ALL UPCOMING EVENTS ALL UPCOMING AWARDS ALL UPCOMING WEBINARS Jobs Casting Calls SR DIRECTOR, RESEARCH SPROUT/NYC: Lead research for Sprout. Research systems expert & strong presenter. Must have network experience. 8+ yrs exp in media rsch required. Exp with Nielsen a must. Full info/apply Location: New York, NY RESEARCH ANALYST DIRECTOR/CO: contributes to decisions at Outdoor Channel via analysis of viewing, digital usage, market and sales data. 1+ yrs exp Analyst or 5+ yrs exp in media rsrch. Location: Midewest SR MGR/DIR, DIGITAL PRODUCT A+E Networks/NY: Dev & serve as owner of dig products & features across A+E Networks dig platforms. Location: New York, NY GO TO CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISEMENT
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Cynopsis Media advertising reaches 65.1k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Email, Social, Mobile Advertising on Cynopsis Media will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Sports, Entertainment, Government & Politics.

They are headquartered at Stratford, CT, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Cynopsis Media inventory partners include: google.com.

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