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    Hi there, and welcome to my blog! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Doyin (It’s a West African name pronounced “doe-ween”) and I’m a father to two lovely little girls who happen to be the center of my universe. Like most parents, I absolutely love my kids – but unlike most people in their mid-30′s, I had absolutely zero experience with children. Prior to meeting my first daughter, I’ve never changed a diaper, never calmed a baby from a crying meltdown, never fed a baby a bottle (or anything else, for that matter), and I could count the amount of times I’ve held a baby on one hand (not “in one hand,” mind you…that would be weird. But I haven’t done that either). Did I mention that my wife had zero experience with babies too? Yeah, I’m sure you can only imagine how the first few months of our baby girl’s life went. This blog is intended to share the adventures of raising a child from a helpful dad’s point of view. Some of what you’ll read will make you laugh, some of what you’ll read will make you cringe, but I’ll go out on a limb and say that nothing you’ll read here will ever be boring. You’ll just have to trust me on this. Just like all of us, I’m a work in progress and I’m far from perfect; however, I pride myself on being your Daddy Consultant who will do whatever I can to create and recognize a world of good, involved dads who love and support their families. I’m completely convinced that there are more good fathers out there than bad ones, and I want to use my platform to celebrate these men, push the ones who need improvement (including me) to be better, and to recognize the amazing women they partner with. I may not have the amount of daddy experience as some of my readers, but I’ve learned a lot in my short time as a father – and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you. If you’re a Daddy doin’ work or you’re romantically involved with one – this blog is for you. If you intend to become a Daddy doin’ work or intend to marry one someday, and you want to know what it’s like firsthand, then this blog is definitely for you. If you’re involved with a deadbeat dad and you need him to receive a proverbial “ass kicking” in order to step up for you and your family, this blog is absolutely for you. Last, but not least, don’t forget to do the following very important things: Subscribe to the blog by entering your name and email address in the fields to your right Make your voice heard in the new DDW Nation parenting forum. If you need advice, a good recipe, or just want to be a part of a cool parenting community, this needs to be your first stop. Follow Daddy Doin’ Work on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Head over to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and pre-order a copy of my book titled, Daddy Doin’ Work: Empowering Mothers To Evolve Fatherhood due to be released on September 2, 2014. If you like what you read on this blog, you absolutely will love the book. Check out my work as a writer/contributor for TODAY Parents, The Huffington Post,, The Good Men Project, and CNN Headline News Sit back, submit your comments, and enjoy the ride! Daddy Doin’ Media Here are some of the places where I’ve been interviewed or featured in 2014 - See more at:
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