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      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
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      Yes No
  • Mobile Display
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      Yes No
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    Publisher: It's not your imagination...It's better!
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    Advertise With Us So you are interested in promoting your product or service? Well….. You have come to the right place. We take marketing and advertising and promoting your product very seriously here at Deja Vue Designs. We want to help you generate sales. Sounds simple. Right? And this is the point where you ask yourself……How? How is your blog going to help me? *********** Readership: Deja Vue Designs currently (as of Oct 1, 2013) * over 18,000 monthly page views (according to Google Analytics) * 10,000 + followers including: * 2,500 + Pinterest subscribers * 2,200 + Facebook likes * 500 + Feed subscribers * 500 + Twitter followers *2,600 + Google Plus followers *1,500 + Hometalk followers 62 + Klout score And here’s the best part. Our readers are loyal. And engaged. And clever. And intelligent. (Can you tell we think the world of our readers)? But the most important thing about our readers is that they are genuinely interested in learning more about home design and new products and innovations. ********************** Available Advertising * 125 x 125 button for sidebar * 250 x 250 button for sidebar * 3-month commitment available/billed by PayPal All three month ad runs will be included in the monthly sponsor posts at the end of each month! You can also provide a discount code with a link to your shop or business! The readers love discount codes and they have proven to be highly successful! * All advertising or promotion is contingent upon the product or services fit with our audience. In other words……we are only interested in advertising products that our readers will be genuinely interested in. *********************** Advertising Rates *125 x 125 button on side bar $25.00 per month/ or $60 for three months All three month ad runs will be included in the monthly sponsor posts at the end of each month! You can also provide a discount code with a link to your shop or business! The readers love discount codes and they have proven to be highly successful! ************************* *250 x 250 button on side bar $45.00 per month/ or $125 for three months All three month ad runs will be included in the monthly sponsor posts at the end of each month! You can also provide a discount code with a link to your shop or business! The readers love discount codes and they have proven to be highly successful! ************************* If you think that Deja Vue Designs would be a good fit for your product or service. We would love to discuss the details and pricing with you. Please read and be aware of our Privacy Policy.
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Deja Vue Designs works with Advertising technology companies such as MadAdsMedia, eXelate, Clever Girls Collective, Atlas, Facebook Exchange FBX, Mediaplex, Videology,, Open AdStream, SiteScout, Accuen, Experian, Neustar AdAdvisor, Aggregate Knowledge, DemDex, Google Adsense, Media Innovation Group, BlueKai, Turn, Chango, Dstillery, Brandscreen, AppNexus,, Rocket Fuel, ContextWeb, DoubleClick.Net, Pubmatic, AdMeld, Yield Manager, Rubicon Project, Openads/OpenX, Adify, SpotXchange, Adap.TV, Index Exchange, Yahoo Publisher Network, Conversant, Chitika, VigLink, Google Publisher Tag, ShareASale, Infolinks, Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, X Plus One, Bizo, The Trade Desk, Criteo, Eq Ads, Digilant, Evidon, MyBuys, Tribal Fusion, AdPredictive, Exponential, Burst Media, Connexity, LucidMedia, Zenovia, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, RadiumOne, AudienceScience,, Speed Shift Media, PulsePoint, AdGear, Datonics, Integral Ad Science, Korrelate, IponWeb BidSwitch, 161Media, AcuityAds, Zedo, DoubleVerify, MLN Advertising, Specific Media, NetSeer, Switch Ads, Upfront Digital Media, Improve Digital, Tapad, Yahoo Small Business, PointRoll, Proclivity, Twitter Ads, Adconion, Drawbridge, Sverve, BlogHer Advertising Network, AdZerk, eyeReturn, Magnetic, Izea, Mobicow, VINDICO, BlueKai DMP, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Real Clever, Eyeota, RUN Ads, Google AdSense Integrator, Bidvertiser Advertising, FLoC, Google Adsense for Domains, comScore Activation.