
Dennis Publishing is one of the world's fastest-growing independently owned media companies. Group turnover exceeds £100 million a year, excluding our subsidiary companies.

The company publishes over 50 magazines, digital magazines, websites and mobile sites in the UK (including The Week , Auto Express, PC Pro, Viz and KnowYourMobile) and The Week in the US. Dennis is also a major shareholder in Seymour Distribution and Dovetail Services Ltd.

Dennis Publishing is privately owned by Felix Dennis.

  • Desktop Display
    • Brand Integrations
      Yes No
    • Sponsored Posts
      Yes No
    • Native Ads
      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Email
  • Mobile Display
    Platform Supported:
    • iOS
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
      Yes No
    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
      Yes No
    • Requires SDK Integration
      Yes No
  • Social
  • Desktop Display, Email, Mobile Display, Social
  • CPM
  • Mobile App Publisher, Web Publisher
  • Headline:
    Publisher: Automotive, Technology, Lifestyle/Entertainment
  • Self / Managed Service:
    Managed Service
  • Key Differentiator
    Our vision is to be the most dynamic media company in the UK. We are dedicated to growing Britain’s best loved media brands, restlessly innovating across different platforms to bring our audience new sources of inspiration, information and entertainment. Our vision and values come from all of us. They existed already, unwritten, in the way we work, how we communicate and how we think. What we have done is express those beliefs in words, focusing on what makes Dennis truly unique and Brilliantly different to other organisations. To be the most dynamic media company in the UK, you need the most agile brands. Brands that stand the test of time and build their influence across every emerging platform and technology. Brands that continually reach out to new customers with their ever-changing interests and passions. Brands with innovation, challenge and ambition at the core of their DNA. With this singular focus, Dennis has been able to create multi-award-winning brands today to inspire, inform and entertain the audiences of tomorrow. That’s what makes us Brilliantly Different; creative to our fingertips and professional to the core.
  • Owned / Operated Properties
    itpro.co.uk, theweek.co.uk, viz.co.uk, autoexpress.co.uk, bit-tech.net, cyclistmag.co.uk, healthandfitnessonline.co.uk, carbuyer.co.uk, cloudpro.co.uk, magbooks.com, mobiletest.fr, landroveraddict.com, webuser.co.uk, computeractive.co.uk, tablepouncer.com, vivacelular.com, 3d-printing.net, custompc.co.uk, evo.co.uk, forteantimes.com, itpro.co.uk, macuser.co.uk, mensfitness.co.uk, micromart.co.uk, pcpro.co.uk, knowyourmobile.com, classicandperformancecar.com, expertreviews.co.uk, channelpro.co.uk, kontraband.com, pokerplayer.co.uk, insidepokerbusiness.co.uk, knowyourcell.com, knowyourmobile.in, digitalslrphoto.com, denofgeek.co.uk, magazine-group.co.uk, computershopper.co.uk, phonedeals.knowyourmobile.com, loveroffers.co.uk
  • Targeting


  • Approved 3rd Party Ad Serving / Rich Media Vendors
    Adventive - https://www.adventive.com | Sizmek - http://www.sizmek.com
Site Traffic
URL: denofgeek.co.uk
  • 0 Global Rank
  • 0
    United Kingdom
  • 0 Estimated Visits
Powered by
Alexa Traffic Data
URL: dennis.co.uk
Global Rank 287,400
India Rank 67,870
India Page Views 60.1%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Publishing and Printing
  • Politics and Government
  • Libertarianism
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| evo - Super Car Magazine
  • 10 K Downloads
  • 36 SDKs
  • 4.06 Avg. Rating
  • 242 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dennis.evo
  • App Support: http://www.dennis.co.uk
  • Genre: news_and_magazines
  • Bundle ID: com.dennis.evo
  • App Size: 5.56 M
  • Version: 1497959176
  • Release Date: October 7th, 2013
  • Update Date: May 8th, 2019


evo is the world’s premier performance car magazine. Every issue is packed with entertaining, informative writing and stunning photography that puts you firmly behind the wheel of the fastest and most desirable cars around. With exclusive road tests, a focus on cult and iconic cars, track tests of the world's fastest cars and added buying features, no other magazine comes close to what evo delivers every month.
Inside you will find…

• The latest motoring news, to keep you ahead of the game.
• Reviews of every important new model, from hot hatches to supercars.
• Iconic drivers' cars revisited and re-appraised.
• In-depth group tests that reveal the best cars in each class.
• Drive stories so absorbing you’ll want to emulate them yourself.
• Action-packed videos showing amazing cars driven on the limit.

The evo application is edition based and published every month to bring you the newest updates on all your favourite automobiles.


• Read reviews of the newest cars with a button directly on the homepage
• Search feature inside issues to find exactly what you want
• Easier to access your favourite saved articles with “my scrapbook”
• Streamline main page and table of contents for easy reading
• Share your favourite articles
• New settings page is more straightforward to change your preferences
• Archive button to remove a downloaded issue from the device

Download the app now, subscribe and get full access to the evo app, including the entire app archive, for your choice of 1 month, 6 months or 1 year:
1 year access – £39.99
6 months’ access – £19.99
1 month access – £3.99
The app works on Android 4.0 up to Marshmallow

Fabric is an app development toolkit for android and iOS that provides solutions for issues such as making apps reliable, testing before going live, driving downloads, onboarding new users, engaging them, understanding an apps’ growth and then monetizing it.
Google Protobuf
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.
Build Realtime Apps. A powerful API to store and sync data in realtime.
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics SDK for Android makes it easy for native Android developers to collect user engagement data from their applications. Developers can then use the Google Analytics reports to measure: The number of active users are using their applications. From where in the world the application is being used. Adoption and usage of specific features. Crashes and exceptions. In-app purchases and transactions. And many other useful metrics... The Google Analytics SDK also gives you the tools to monitor the success of mobile marketing campaigns. Connect user interactions with paid ads, Google Play downloads, and subsequent in-app usage and Ecommerce transactions. Google Analytics provides a powerful platform to measure and optimize all of your application marketing efforts.
Google Search
The collection of search and search related APIs in Google's Android GMS framework.
Google Sign-In SDK
Google Sign-In is a secure authentication system that reduces the burden of login for your users, by enabling them to sign in with their Google Account—the same account they already use with Gmail, Play, Google+, and other Google services. Google Sign-In is also your gateway to connecting with Google’s users and services in a secure manner. You can give your users the opportunity to pay with Google Pay, share with their Google-wide contacts, save a file to Drive, add an event to Calendar, and more. Integrate Google’s user-centric APIs and services inside your app to help your users take action and convert.
Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager enables developers to change configuration values in their mobile applications using the Google Tag Manager interface without having to rebuild and resubmit application binaries to app marketplaces. This is useful for managing any configuration values or flags in your application that you may need to change in the future, including: * Various UI settings and display strings * Sizes, locations, or types of ads served in your application * Game settings Configuration values may also be evaluated at runtime using rules, enabling dynamic configurations such as: * Using screen size to determine ad banner size * Using language and location to configure UI flags Google TagManager also enables the dynamic implementation of tracking tags and pixels in applications. Developers can push important events into a data layer and decide later which tracking tags or pixels should be fired. TagManager currently supports the following tags: * Google Mobile App Analytics * Custom Function Call tag
AdMob Mediation
DoubleClick is the ad technology foundation to create, transact, and manage digital advertising for the world's buyers, creators and sellers. Available for iOS and Android
Google Cast
Google Cast is a technology that enables multi-screen experiences and lets a user send and control content like video from a small computing device like a phone, tablet, or laptop to a large display device like a television.
Google Drive
Google Drive for Android is a file storage service hosted by Google. All your files in Drive – like your videos, photos, and documents – are backed up safely so you can’t lose them. Easily invite others to view, edit, or leave comments on any of your files or folders.
Google Mobile Ads
The Google Mobile Ads SDK is the latest generation in Google mobile advertising featuring refined ad formats and streamlined APIs for access to mobile ad networks and advertising solutions. The SDK enables mobile app developers to maximize their monetization on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 8.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Ad Intelligence
URL: channelpro.co.uk
  • Standard
Ads Seen Recently
Longest Running Ad
Dennis Publishing
URL: All O/O Properties
Ad Exchange
Publisher ID
Certification ID
Dennis Publishing advertising reaches 5.96M visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Netherlands, Ireland, Portugal, India, Canada, Australia. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Email, Mobile, Social Advertising on Dennis Publishing will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as ; you can target them with parameters such as: Behavioral.

They are headquartered at London, United Kingdom, and have 78 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Dennis Publishing inventory partners include: smartadserver.com, tremorhub.com, smaato.com, openx.com, mobfox.com, aolcloud.net, aerserv.com, advertising.com, adform.com, richaudience.com, appnexus.com, districtm.io, contextweb.com, rubiconproject.com, improvedigital.com, indexexchange.com, 33across.com, spotx.tv, spotxchange.com, pubmatic.com, seedtag.com, gumgum.com, yahoo.com, rhythmone.com, ad-generation.jp, adtech.com, triplelift.com, pubnative.net, admanmedia.com, pokkt.com, engagebdr.com, blis.com, bidmachine.io, video.unrulymedia.com, teads.tv, sonobi.com, sovrn.com, emxdgt.com, lijit.com, google.com, aol.com, amxrtb.com, telaria.com, yieldmo.com, undertone.com, ironsrc.com, freewheel.tv, springserve.com, aps.amazon.com, adtiming.com, audienciad.com, onomagic.com, brightcom.com, cedato.com, lkqd.net, connatix.com, fyber.com, taboola.com, chocolateplatform.com, vdopia.com, coxmt.com, media.net, synacor.com, nobid.io, themediagrid.com, revcontent.com, advangelists.com, badiversitynetwork.com, beachfront.com, adcolony.com, admixer.net, webeyemob.com, adingo.jp, conversantmedia.com, oathprebid.com, sekindo.com, cafemedia.com, deepintent.com, kargo.com, sharethrough.com, adyoulike.com, loopme.com, apester.com, bidtellect.com, mediago.io, criteo.com, tappx.com, ssp.ynxs.io, aralego.com, ucfunnel.com, sortable.com, deployads.com, rtbhouse.com, lockerdome.com, e-planning.net, insticator.com, connectad.io, 152media.com, gothamads.com 126, hiro-media.com, facebook.com, dianomi.com, zemanta.com, viralize.com, truvidplayer.com, truvid.com, theagency.com, switchconcepts.com, ssphwy.com, spoutable.com, nativeads.com, mediawayss.com, lkqd.com, jadserve.postrelease.com, quantcast.com, pubnative.com, optimatic.com, btrll.com, brightroll.com, bidswitch.net, bidswitch.com, adtag.vidssp.com, adnxs.com, featureforward.com, converge-digital.com.

Dennis Publishing works with Advertising technology companies such as Blue Lithium, DoubleClick.Net.