
Smart Media for Public Sector Innovation

e.Republic is the nation’s leading publishing, research, event and new media company focused on state and local government and education. e.Republic’s award-winning brands include Governing, Government Technology, Public CIO, and Emergency Management.

It is also home to the Center for Digital Government and Center for Digital Education – leading market intelligence and research consultancies.

Dennis McKenna, CEO and co-founder of e.Republic, directs the company. He was named one of the “Most Influential People in Magazine Media” by Folio magazine and is recognized as one of BtoB Media Business’ “Who’s Who in Business Publishing”.

In 2010, e.Republic magazines and websites won 16 editorial and design awards, including GTtv named as one of BtoB MediaBusiness’ “10 Great Media Web Sites” and Government Technology named “Best Overall Publication/Trade” by the Western Publishing Association (Maggie Awards).

For more information go to: www.erepublic.com

Phone Number: 1.916.932.1300

Fax Number: 1.916.932.1470

  • Desktop Display
    • Brand Integrations
      Yes No
    • Sponsored Posts
      Yes No
    • Native Ads
      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
      Yes No
    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
      Yes No
    • Requires SDK Integration
      Yes No
  • Email
  • Social
  • Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
  • CPM
  • Web Publisher
  • Headline:
    Publisher: Digital Communities: Local Government News & Articles
  • Key Differentiator
    Digital Communities (DC) is e.Republic's local government program. The particular strength of DC is its focus on encouraging collaboration and creating productive relationships between and among cities, counties, regions and select private sector companies uniquely positioned to help improve the delivery of public services. This is accomplished through special events, interactive collaboration platforms, research, publications, feature stories, blogs and videos all designed to identify and highlight the newest ideas and most successful local government programs.
  • Owned / Operated Properties
Site Traffic
URL: erepublic.com
  • 647525 Global Rank
  • 141248
    United States
  • 62.5 K Estimated Visits
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruary05K10K15K20K25K30K35K40K45K50K55K60K65K70K
Traffic Sources
  • Direct
  • Referrals
  • Search
  • Display
  • Mail
  • Social
Geography Breakdown
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Alexa Traffic Data
URL: erepublic.com
Global Rank 202,969
United States Rank 65,125
United States Page Views 91.6%
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jun 2Jun 4Jun 6Jun 8Jun 10Jun 12Jun 14Jun 16Jun 18Jun 20Jun 22Jun 24Jun 26Jun 281100000200000300000
Created with Highcharts 7.1.2Jun 2Jun 4Jun 6Jun 8Jun 10Jun 12Jun 14Jun 16Jun 18Jun 20Jun 22Jun 24Jun 26Jun 280 M0.2 M0.4 M0.6 M0.8 M
Top Countries
Top Search Keywords
  • Los Angeles
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Badge Scanner
  • 1 K Downloads
  • 10 SDKs
  • 4.2 Avg. Rating
  • 2 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.erepublicbadgescanner
  • App Support: http://www.erepublic.com/badge/
  • Genre: productivity
  • Bundle ID: com.erepublicbadgescanner
  • App Size: 6.08 M
  • Release Date: April 9th, 2018
  • Update Date: March 3rd, 2020


Badge Scanner allows sponsors to scan the QR code on an attendee's badge either in general mode (at table, networking, etc) or a session (if you are a sponsor of that session), add notes, and export/email the list of full contact information for your scans.

The intent is to provide an easy way to track which attendees you met with or have interest in your company. Scans for all members of your company are stored under your company profile, so you can see scans from anyone within your company.

Android API
The Android platform provides a framework API that applications can use to interact with the underlying Android system. The framework API consists of: A core set of packages and classes. A set of permissions that applications can request, as well as permission enforcements included in the system
Apache Cordova
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Barcode scanning library for Android, using ZXing for decoding. The project is loosely based on the ZXing Android Barcode Scanner application, but is not affiliated with the official ZXing project. Features: 1.Can be used via Intents (little code required). 2.Can be embedded in an Activity, for advanced customization of UI and logic. 3.Scanning can be performed in landscape or portrait mode. 4.Camera is managed in a background thread, for fast startup time.
HTTP Request
HTTP requests work as the intermediary transportation method between a client/application and a server. The client submits an HTTP request to the server, and after internalizing the message, the server sends back a response. The response contains status information about the request. This library is available under the MIT License.
Ionic HTML5 Mobile App...
Ionic makes it incredibly easy to build beautiful and interactive mobile apps using HTML5 and AngularJS. An open source mobile UI toolkit for building high quality, cross-platform native and web app experiences. Move faster with a single code base, running everywhere with JavaScript and the Web.
Okio is a new library that complements java.io and java.nio to make it much easier to access, store, and process your data.A modern I/O library for Android, Kotlin, and Java
Easily create apps using the web technologies you know and love: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. Build great apps powered by open web standards. Cut down on development time by re-using your existing web dev skills, frameworks and tools. Get all the benefits of cross-platform development while building apps just the way you like.
PhoneGap Social Sharin...
This plugin allows you to use the native sharing window of your mobile device. Cordova plugin to share text, a file (image/PDF/..), or a URL (or all three) via the native sharing widget
Square OkHttp3
HTTP is the way modern applications network. It’s how we exchange data & media. Doing HTTP efficiently makes your stuff load faster and saves bandwidth. OkHttp is an HTTP client that’s efficient by default: HTTP/2 support allows all requests to the same host to share a socket. Connection pooling reduces request latency (if HTTP/2 isn’t available). Transparent GZIP shrinks download sizes. Response caching avoids the network completely for repeat requests. OkHttp perseveres when the network is troublesome: it will silently recover from common connection problems. If your service has multiple IP addresses OkHttp will attempt alternate addresses if the first connect fails. This is necessary for IPv4+IPv6 and for services hosted in redundant data centers. OkHttp supports modern TLS features (TLS 1.3, ALPN, certificate pinning). It can be configured to fall back for broad connectivity. Using OkHttp is easy. Its request/response API is designed with fluent builders and immutability. It supports both synchronous blocking calls and async calls with callbacks.
ZXing (Zebra Crossing)
ZXing ("zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
Digital Communities advertising reaches 62.5k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, India, Slovakia, Russia. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Digital Communities will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .

They are headquartered at Folsom, CA, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.

Digital Communities works with Advertising technology companies such as Videology, The Trade Desk, Chango, Neustar AdAdvisor, DemDex, Dstillery, Resonate Insights, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Atlas, BlueKai, Google Consumer Surveys, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads, Bizo, Drawbridge, Clickagy.