- Company Name:Don't Mind The Mess
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- Headline:Publisher: Don't Mind the Mess -
- Key DifferentiatorPR Info I’m Jessica Severson, a long-time blogger and social media user. I have a distinctive voice and I don’t scrimp on content. I am currently in the Boston area and love local events and working with local businesses. Take a look at my full media kit here. My blog focuses on the mundane and the sublime in the everyday with a relatively large dose of humor and no fear. I also have a preschooler with autism and have a specific focus on special needs. I had my second child in 2012 and write a lot about infants, including my New Moms series. I am a serious and devoted reader who enjoys reviewing books, specifically literary fiction and crime fiction. I do a weekly review column called Friday Reads where you can see my past reviews. I have reviewed books from major publishers, including Random House, Penguin Group, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan and others. For Book Reviews, I have accounts for digital ARCs at Netgalley and Edelweiss. My writing has been featured online at: Parents Magazine About.com Double X Science The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism Save.com Aiming Low Honest Mom Flappiness Is… Scary Mommy I was a weekly blogger writing a pregnancy journal for Isis Parenting, a Boston parenting hotspot with a strong social media presence. My pregnancy posts were also featured by nonprofit The Stork Fund, which supports healthy mothers and babies. Member of: Clever Girls Collective Boston Parent Bloggers Collective Bias Social Fabric Community I am happy to work with brands that are affordable and fit with my lifestyle. I sell ad space on the sidebar and enjoy doing reviews, sponsored posts and giveaways for the right products. I won’t take on any sponsored work that doesn’t fit with the overall tone and theme of my blog, nor will I do any work that doesn’t have full disclosure of compensation. When I work with a brand, my posts are not the usual skimpy write-up. I blog it, tweet it, facebook it, etc. But the real difference between me and other bloggers is that my post is going to be thorough, significant, honest and funny. I don’t want to bore my readers. You won’t see a two-paragraph write-up here. I’m very active in social media. My stats as of 03/14/13: Twitter followers: 1,796 Facebook fans: 332 Page views: 10,000 per month I tweet around 30 times per day and do a lot of reaching out and interacting with my followers. For more information, please click the Contact Me button on the right side of the page or email me at jess@dontmindthemess.com
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- 5652054 Global Rank
- 2356964 United States
- 13.6 K Estimated Visits
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- United States 80.5%
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Don't Mind The Mess advertising reaches 13.6k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Don't Mind The Mess will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Don't Mind The Mess works with Advertising technology companies such as eXelate, ShareASale, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, The Trade Desk, Turn, X Plus One, Clever Girls Collective, Collective Bias, Bizo, Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, Link Share, AvantLink, Real Clever, Amazon Ad System.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Don't Mind The Mess works with Advertising technology companies such as eXelate, ShareASale, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, The Trade Desk, Turn, X Plus One, Clever Girls Collective, Collective Bias, Bizo, Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, Link Share, AvantLink, Real Clever, Amazon Ad System.