
FXBC was created out of a strong need for a Forex website that will allow the Forex Broker to add their own material on the website therefore getting the correct information regarding news and services directly from the source.

We aim to provide all the necessary information regarding Forex Brokers which enables forex traders all around the world to view in a truthful and realistic manners the services offered by Forex Brokers Worldwide allowing an in depth comparison between them, so that traders can make a more clear decision on who to choose making their trading experience more enjoyable because they took part in selecting the Best Forex Broker to trade with separating them from the scam brokers.

We understand what the trader wants to see when he enters a forex related website therefore even though our main focus is the comparison between brokers we also offer: Forex News, Commodity News, Economic News, Articles, Videos, Forex Education and Forex Trading Tools as we want each visitor to come back on a daily basis and view all forex related updates and news.

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      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
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    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
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      Yes No
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    Publisher: Economic News Articles
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    Advertise Why Advertise on the Economic News Articles Network? Our network of article directories (listed in the sidebar) have a combined total of over 100,000 unique page views per month (as of November, 2010). And, it's growing by approximately 10% per month! Our readership (members) are VERY LOYAL and return again and again to submit new articles. Plus, the authors submit their keyword-rich articles to search engines, leading new visitors to the directories every day. Advertising Options and Pricing Please note that for most of our ad blocks we use a random ad rotation. This is necessary to reduce "ad blindness". Lock in these low prices now -- I guarantee they will increase in the future! Header Ad Rotation (468x60). This is always "above the fold" and is quite visible and prominent. $50 per month. Click Here to pay securely with Paypal Featured Links. These links appear in the far right sidebar very prominently above the fold, and are not part of the rotation (your link is always displayed). Included is a "dofollow" link plus a short sales "blurb". $40 per month. Click Here to pay securely with Paypal Sidebar Large Skyscraper (160x600). This large ad appears in the far right sidebar. It may or may not appear above the fold. $40 per month. Click Here to pay securely with Paypal Sidebar Small Square (125x125). These ads appear in the far right sidebar area in three locations - top, middle, bottom. All three locations are part of the rotation, so your ad will appear above the fold on occasion. $30 per month. Click Here to pay securely with Paypal Sidebar Small Rectangle (234x60). These ads appear in the first sidebar below the fold. $20 per month. Click Here to pay securely with Paypal Coming soon - unblockable popup. This ad will be approximately 500x500 and will activate when a visitor first arrives at the site. Pricing TBD. Ordering Instructions Please order by clicking the Paypal subscription link next to the type of ad you want to order. Then use the contact form (below) to send us your contact information, image information, and/or link details. If you need to have us design an ad banner for you there is an additional one-time $25 charge (the image will be yours to keep). Note that the image and/or link cannot be served in a iframe for security reasons. If interested, we have various other advertising opportunities on a wide variety of niche sites and blogs. Tell us your requirements and we will tailor a solution that will fit your needs and budget. Thank You For Your Business!
Site Traffic
URL: economicnewsarticles.org
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  • 1.22 K Estimated Visits
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URL: economicnewsarticles.org
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Economic News Articles advertising reaches 1.22k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Economic News Articles will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .

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Economic News Articles works with Advertising technology companies such as Caraytech e-planning, Facebook Exchange FBX, Brandscreen, ContextWeb, Adify, Openads/OpenX, Turn, Pubmatic, SiteScout, Rocket Fuel, SpotXchange, Index Exchange, Simpli.fi, Adap.TV, PocketCents, Videology, Chango, The Trade Desk, Dstillery, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, DemDex, Rubicon Project, DoubleClick.Net, Yield Manager, Yahoo Publisher Network, AppNexus, Atlas, Resonate Insights, Upfront Digital Media, Brilig, Neustar AdAdvisor, Bizo, eXelate, BlueKai, Accuen, Media Innovation Group, AvantLink, Google Publisher Tag, Clicksor, AdNetwork, VigLink, Exit Junction, Google Adsense, AdBrite, Chitika, Amazon Associates, ClickBank, Kontera, Infolinks, Deli Ads, MadAdsMedia, Criteo, Ezakus, BlueKai DMP, AdBlade Embed, Adblade, Advertising.com, RadiumOne, MyBuys MyAds, Magnetic, eyeReturn, AudienceScience, Adform, Tapad, IponWeb BidSwitch, Drawbridge, GetIntent, Adhigh, Burst Media, Tribal Fusion, GumGum, Sonobi, Yahoo Small Business, Yahoo Ad Sync, Beeswax, Taboola, AdGear, AdTheorent, bRealtime, MaxPoint Interactive, Adelphic, RUN Ads, BidSwitch, AdBlock Acceptable Ads.