- Company Name:elmediatoday (Media Today)
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- Headline:| Press hard
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesConsumer Packaged Goods, Education, Entertainment, Financial Services, Government & Politics, Healthcare, Non-Profit, Technology, Telecommunications, eCommerce
- Key DifferentiatorYouth, gives space for students and graduates of media colleges and equivalent colleges and institutes Other, Square creativity in outlook released in balance limits, cares to highlight the issues objectively and professionally high. also depends on all subjects around the world, Versdha Bhraveh, also depends on investigative reporting style dramatically, through the narrative and the survey and follow - up sources, and also depends on the impartiality in monitoring the news. being a youth site of the first class, the largest count comes in Arabic , simple, accessible for all age groups, and in turn provide training opportunities for all young people who have the desire to journalistic work, cares trainee until it reaches their stage of high efficiency make it unable to keep up with a generation of journalists. depends on all political and sports sections and video on cadres youth primarily integrates signed between News reports and review the investigations, as well as files that are mixed between private and recreational events. because the image reflective of the floor, there are mainly dependent on video journalism, carrier of all live events, the occurrence of the developments immediately. and to satisfy the diversity of audiences, Venatmd on diversity and innovation in all journalistic forms provided help to simplify the interaction and information in the form of fees optical fantastic. We hope that we deserve Mtaavatkm Facebook comments Comments all rights are saveProgramming and design Arabs soon as Host News, moment by moment who are we advertise with us
- Owned / Operated Propertieselmediatoday.com
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elmediatoday (Media Today) advertising reaches 89.4k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Social, Video, Mobile, Email Advertising on elmediatoday (Media Today) will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Healthcare, Government & Politics, Education, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Entertainment, eCommerce, Consumer Packaged Goods, Technology, Non-Profit.
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They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.