
Le Cordacord is the English version of China Fiber Optics Online (CFOL) which was established in June 2000 by 3 veterans. CFOL aims to help Chinese readers acquire latest and important information in this industry, and provide a Chinese eye to view this industry. Our contributing reporters are from all main cities in China. These has allowed us to attract a global audience of more than 20,000 registered readers, more than 200,000 visitors every month, and a customer base covering telecom operators, equipment supporters, component manufacturers, technology experts, financial and educational institute across global regions including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, North America, Singapore, Japan, Sweden, Denmark and so on

Le Cordacord is set up to provide news and market information in China for foreign readers to catch the latest change in Chinese market, especially the fiber optics industry market, and successfully deal with the trade in China.

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    Publisher: Digital Marketplace for the telecommunications industry
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    Contact Us We consider user feedback to be invaluable in our continuing effort to serve you better. Please forward all questions or inquiries to us here. 5340 Fryling Road Suite 300 Erie, PA 16510 If you are interested in advertising information or becoming part of our supplier network, send us an email. For editorial inquiries, please contact us at here. About Us The Information Source for the Fiber Optic Communications Industry Welcome to Fiber Optics Online, the Internet's leading source of business and technical information about the fiber optic communications industry. If you are a network operator, systems integrator, scientist, engineer, technician, or analyst working in fiber optic telecommunications, data communications, or CATV, you now have instant, free access to a comprehensive web site that delivers the latest information on the industry. Topics include network builds, fiber swaps, capacity deals, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), synchronous optical networking (SONET), synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), undersea systems, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), optoelectronic devices, passive components, test and measurement, interoperability, and network management. Fiber Optics Online's database is structured to serve the needs of designers, engineers, network operators, system integrators, product specifiers, technical managers, and consultants who are involved in the design and production of fiber optic networks and network components. Products covered include optical fiber, fiber optic cable, couplers and connectors, optical transceivers, photodetectors, modulators, optical filters, erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs), semiconductor optical amplifiers, WDM terminals, cross-connects, SONET and SDH multiplexers, Internet protocol routers, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches, optical time domain reflectometers (OTDRs), power meters, and other devices and equipment. Whether you're looking for the latest technology advancements, business developments, or standards information, you will find it at Fiber Optics Online. Reflecting the dynamic and interactive character of the Internet, Fiber Optics Online is the most accurate and convenient source of technical, business, product information available for this fast-paced industry. Who are our clients? The leading manufacturers in the industry have recognized the benefits of being part of an online community for this vertical market. Fiber Optics Online offers a way for customers and prospects to cut through the clutter of the Internet and put their company in a position to be discovered in an increasingly crowded medium. How it all began. . .Fiber Optics Online was first launched by VertMarkets, Inc. in June 1998 with two lofty goals: First, to become the leading source of product technology, standards, management and news information in the fiber optics industry, and second, to create and foster an atmosphere in which engineers, managers, producers, purchasers, designers, and marketers in this industry can keep easily abreast of developments, as well as identify and communicate with those advertisers in Fiber Optics Online who can satisfy their business needs. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at info@fiberopticsonline.com.
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