Front Porch solutions lower costs and increases revenue for service providers like Comcast and Time Warner Cable. Our Billing Notifications and Network Status Alerts reduce late payments and increase customer service. In-browser messaging for copyright infringement notices and bandwidth usage alerts allow you to lower labor costs and free up valuable bandwidth. Front Porch Promotional Offerings create new revenue for your company. Front Porch solutions automate outdated manual notification methods with state-of-the-art technology that lets you send messages to your customers any time they are surfing the Internet.
- Company Name:frontporch
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Sonora, CA, United States
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorFront Porch’s history is rooted in its origins as an Internet Service Provider. In 1998, Front Porch started looking for ways of improving communications with their subscribers while they were managing their network provider business. The method they devised resulted in Front Porch’s cornerstone patent and the team sold their provider business to focus on the new technology. Initial success allowed the pay back of primary investors Qualcomm and other venture capital companies. Front Porch continued its growth by building a business outside the United States and opened a European office just outside of London. Research and Development and Technical Support continued to expand to keep pace with the expanding customer base. In 2006, the company moved into its current headquarters in the Sierra Nevada foothill city of Sonora. Internet providers across the globe with differing requirements now use Front Porch solutions to improve communications with their customers, generate advertising revenue, and streamline manual processes. The company opened its newest joint venture office in Beijing in the summer of 2008 to provide support to their Asian customer base.
- 3068086 Global Rank
- 642892 United States
- 2.1 K Estimated Visits
- United States 79.0%
- Canada 3.8%
- Pakistan 3.3%
- India 3.1%
- Egypt 1.1%
- Sonora
- 10 SDKs
- 3.75 Avg. Rating
- 4 Total reviews
- App Url:
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- Genre: social
- Bundle ID: com.frontporch.memigo
- App Size: 40.2 M
- Version: 1030
- Release Date: May 16th, 2017
- Update Date: January 3rd, 2018
Memigo is an app designed to make photo sharing simpler than ever. Users can upload photos from their smartphones and tablets to a centralized location and then invite their friends and family to download them to their own devices. Memigo also allows for the creation and management of events so users at a common location and time (wedding, family reunion, etc.) can all upload to a single location within the app, allowing for the easy collation and sharing of photos without needing email addresses or social media accounts.
They are headquartered at Sonora, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.