Why we established the Foundation ?
Goals which guided us in the assumption of the Foundation are focused on two main problems:
The first problem is the help and support of all the groups that are somehow overlooked by the state in the context of social development. This applies to both groups, ethnic groups, religious communities, but also people demanding reintegration into society (eg. People living in pathology, the prisoners preparing for life in society, people living in the area of poverty, children and young people derailed socially).
The second problem is widely understood social education and building civil society, understood as a society sentient need to actively involve in the process of social development, knowledge-based society, showing the legal awareness.
That is why the work of the Foundation acquired people from different professional backgrounds, which is a guarantee of diversity initiatives and to involve the widest possible social groups.
How we intend to achieve our goals ?
In order to effectively pursue our objectives, we work closely with local government units, as it is at the local level can awaken social activity. Besides, a ton of local level can effectively support different social groups in the process of their integration into society.
We place great emphasis on working with young people both at the level of both primary schools as well as universities, because it is in these communities recruit volunteers for our actions. Besides working with young people, shaping them pro-social behavior is an investment in the future.
Not without significance remain a number of our international contacts through which we can study the effectiveness of certain systemic solutions, and implement on Polish soil many interesting solutions, which for years well in other European countries.
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