
Our Mission:

To elevate the quality, culture and perception of video games as contemporary arts and entertainment through game criticism and community development.

We will accomplish our mission by presenting a diverse range of perspectives from authors and gamers of different backgrounds in order to provide readers with insightful, useful, and entertaining content on video games and their growing presence in society.

Our Game Review Philosophy:

Game criticism is about elevating the appreciation and understanding of video games.

All reviews are by nature subjective, and based on the critics' personal experience. Therefore, any review and/or rating is only a summation of the critic's own opinion.

Games are not judged purely on fun, entertainment value, or technical craftsmanship. Personal, cultural, historical, and creative contexts also considered.

Our numerical ratings are based on a game’s own merits. They are not relative to every game in existence, nor are they meant to assign an absolute or universal value of the game to the reader.

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  • Headline:
    Publisher: Games. Culture. Criticism.
  • Key Differentiator
    Our Mission: To elevate the quality, culture and perception of video games as contemporary arts and entertainment through game criticism and community development. We will accomplish our mission by presenting a diverse range of perspectives from authors and gamers of different backgrounds in order to provide readers with insightful, useful, and entertaining content on video games and their growing presence in society. Our Game Review Philosophy: Game criticism is about elevating the appreciation and understanding of video games. All reviews are by nature subjective, and based on the critics' personal experience. Therefore, any review and/or rating is only a summation of the critic's own opinion. Games are not judged purely on fun, entertainment value, or technical craftsmanship. Personal, cultural, historical, and creative contexts also considered. Our numerical ratings are based on a game’s own merits. They are not relative to every game in existence, nor are they meant to assign an absolute or universal value of the game to the reader.
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URL: gamecritics.com
Global Rank 430,853
United States Rank 193,514
United States Page Views 45.7%
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