GTBurst provides publishers of sites with with high quality gaming traffic a reliable, efficient means of monetization.
-GTBurst supports our publishers with fast payment turnaround - get paid within 48 hours of request (as long as your account is in good standing and of more than 3 months duration).
-Global network provides a platform for monetization of traffic world-wide.
-Variety of ad types allows publisher to integrate GTBurst advertising seamlessly into their websites.
-Our ad inventory is manually verified to meet our high standards. Your customers will only get gaming-related ads, and no scams. See our Terms of Service for more information on our advertising standards.
-Personalized account support. GTBurst will work with you to customize your deployment.
- Company Name:GameCPM
- Parent Company Name:acquired by GTBurst
(View Trends)
Desktop Display, Social
Ad Network
- Headline:Quality Gaming Traffic
- Key DifferentiatorGTBurst provides advertisers with high quality gaming traffic based on their specific needs. -Target an audience via gaming niche, country, day of week or time of day. -Set frequency limits on visitors. -Campaign tools to control budget. -Use specialized in-house banners, optimized to get high click-through rates for Web Arcades, or upload your own creative. -Anti-fraud systems mitigate click fraud and any type of fake traffic. -Personalized customer support. GTBurst will work with you to customize your campaign.
- 0 Global Rank
- 7288412 United States
- 124 Estimated Visits
- United States 95.4%
- Canada 1.0%
- Australia 0.5%
- Networks
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
GameCPM works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AdBlock Acceptable Ads, Google Adsense for Domains.