- Company Name:Guia Comercial De Guarulhos
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Desktop Display, Social, Mobile Display, Email
Web Publisher
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesAutomotive, Clothing & Fashion, Consumer Packaged Goods, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Gaming, Health & Beauty, Non-Profit, Retail, Sports, Technology, Telecommunications, Travel & Leisure, eCommerce
- Key DifferentiatorShopping Guide Guarulhos is a website focused on Consumers, Retailers and Suppliers. Consumers seeking information about products, services and location of Guarulhos stores and region, the Commercial Guide Guarulhos provides important information about Shops, Food, Hotels Centre, Parking, Hotels, Courses, Suppliers, malls and more ... All these updated information in an organized, intelligent and reliable. Who ever needed to find that store, product or service, but encountered great difficulty or lack of information on the shopkeeper or desired product? Given this huge gap of information for the consumer, the Commercial Guide Guarulhos is designed to serve as a link between Consumers, Retailers and Suppliers, make life easier for all those who have Guarulhos as good business reference, offers, products and services. For Retailers and Suppliers Commercial Guide Guarulhos, seeks to provide broadly throughout Brazil, 24 hours a day, important information about your location, products, services, payment, product photos, location with interactive map and a plethora of information that is valuable for consumers who most often prefer to search on the internet before making their purchases. SOME IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET. Presented on Thursday (16) by the Brazilian Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Institute, the results of the supplement " Internet Access and Possession of Mobile Cellular Telephone for Personal Use" of the National Sample Survey (PNAD) 2011 . according to the publication, between 2005 and 2011, the population aged 10 or older grew 9.7%, while the number of people in this age group using the internet increased by 143.8% and those that had a mobile phone, for personal use, grew 107.2%. In 2011, 77.7 million people aged 10 or older (46.5% of total) had accessed the Internet in the three months prior to collection of the National Household Survey. Internet access was still higher among young people, especially in the age groups 15-17 years (74.1%) and 18 or 19 years of age (71.8%). It was also identified that the percentage of Internet users increased in all classes of monthly income per capita, especially in lower: in no income group and up to ¼ (one quarter) of minimum wage, the percentage of people who accessed the Internet increased 3.8% in 2005 to 21.4% in 2011; the group of more than one fourth (¼) to half the minimum wage, it was 7.8% to 30% in the group ½ (half) a salary, the increase was 15.8% to 39.5 %. In all the years surveyed, the percentage of Internet users was higher in yield class three to five minimum wages, surpassing even the class five or more minimum wages. Another issue identified was the growth in the share of the population is occupied in internet access. In 2011, of the 77.7 million people who used the Internet, 60.1% (46.7 million) and employed 39.9% (31.0 million) did not work. The comparison with 2005, when the people who accessed the Internet, 62.1% (19.8 million) were occupied and 37.9% (12.1 million) were not occupied, showed improvement of the non busy among those who They accessed the internet. In 2011, about half of the 93.5 million workers (49.9% or 46.7 million) used the internet. In 2005, this percentage was 22.8% (19.8 million). Regarding the number of people with mobile phone in Brazilian regions, three showed smaller increase than 100.0%: in the South, 66.7% (7.1 million people); in the Midwest, 88.1% (4.6 million) and in the Southeast, 95.8% (25.8 million). The Northeast recorded growth of 174.3% in the number of people who had a mobile phone in the same period (17.2 million) - the highest increase among all major regions - followed by North, with an increase of 166, 7% (5.0 million). Regarding the population 10 years or older in 2011, the Federal District presented (87.1%), a higher percentage of people who had a mobile phone, then came the Rio Grande do Sul (76.9 %) and Goiás (77.7%). On the other hand, Maranhão (45.2%), Piauí (52.2%) and Pará (57.2%) had the lowest rates. In the age analysis, the percentage of mobile phone holders for personal use grew with increasing age, from 41.9% in the range of 10 to 14 years old, and reaching 83.2% in the group 30 to 34 years. From those 35 years or more, it was noted decrease of proportion, reaching 43.9% in the group of people 60 years or more. However, it was in the groups 35 to 39 years and 40 to 44 years was the biggest gain share, around 37.0 percentage points in six years. *** NO RENEWAL OBLIGATION OR FINES FOR NOT BE RENEWED, OR LOYALTY OR ANY CHARGES FOR BOTH PARTIES *** From t the lh and s Announcement: Plan Premium R $ 50.00 / year --------------------------- Installment in 3 x No Interest Paypal # You will receive a P ANEL control staff within the site Commercial Guide Brás, ads can be edited, re-edited or paused. Personnel Panel that the Commercial Guide Guarulhos offers is a very useful tool because it allows updating of your advertising by entering new products, new information or promotions. #Contador Visits your ad. # You can include 40 rotating photos to ( 5120KB and 1200 × 1200 pixel maximum imaging (5MB). ) # Si t and his Company and all other data like telephone, fax, e-mail, address, payment, working hours and complete description of products or services. * Description limited to 20,000 characters. ================================================== == #Ca T will you go Digital : If your company has product catalog, we can make it available in digital format catalog no charge for viewing the Commercial Guide Brás. With this tool you save on printing and distribution costs, leading to intelligently their products or services to customers in any part of Brazil, this is another unique benefit to the Commercial Guide offers you. * . Note The Digital Catalog file must be sent to the e-mail: midia@guiacomercialdeguarulhos.com.br (In PDF file up to 100 MB) #C Upom Off: Your company can offer a discount coupon for shopping in your online store or physical store. This feature attracts new customers and loyalty to your company. # Vi d and the : Your Company may include Commercial Video on the ad page. The videos will be accepted only in the format (Youtube, Vimeo, MySpace, Veoh, Blip TV, Wordpress, Viddler, Daylimotion, Revver, Metacafe, Tudou, Youku, CN6, Google, Tangle), a maximum of 5 minutes. * Videos lasting longer than 5 minutes will be charged R $ 35.00 per extra minute. ================================================== === #I Advertiser nformation: You can include in your advertiser information, Facebook, Twitter, Email and website of your company, this information is visible on your profile. ================================================== === # Merchandising: How Advertiser Brás Commercial guide your company can send up to two subjects per month to be published in the Guide Blog, this is a great way to promote product launches, promotions and events generating constant contact with site readers. ** The material must be sent in Word, maximum 10 images per subject ** ================================================== === #A Nunez cio Featured : The featured ad is on the main page of the site (Highlight) over mouse over the image it is enlarged. Featured cost of R $ 100.00 monthly. ================================================== ==== Extra Category : Advertising in more than 03 categories. Value: R $ 50,00 (by category) ================================================== ==== #B Anners : Contact to budget. * Required be advertiser Commercial Brás Guide.
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Guia Comercial De Guarulhos advertising reaches 4.51k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Social, Mobile, Email Advertising on Guia Comercial De Guarulhos will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Health & Beauty, Gaming, Retail, Non-Profit, eCommerce, Sports, Technology, Telecommunications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Travel & Leisure, Food & Beverage, Clothing & Fashion, Automotive, Entertainment.
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Guia Comercial De Guarulhos works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Dstillery, Mediaplex, Yahoo Small Business, Aggregate Knowledge, AppNexus, The Trade Desk, Adconion, AppNexus Segment Pixel, SpotXchange, DoubleVerify, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Openads/OpenX, Turn, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Specific Media, VINDICO, Evidon, Integral Ad Science, Spongecell, Atlas, StickyAds TV, Advertising.com, Adap.TV, IponWeb BidSwitch, Media Innovation Group, Index Exchange, AdBlade Embed, Adblade.
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Guia Comercial De Guarulhos works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, DoubleClick.Net, Dstillery, Mediaplex, Yahoo Small Business, Aggregate Knowledge, AppNexus, The Trade Desk, Adconion, AppNexus Segment Pixel, SpotXchange, DoubleVerify, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Openads/OpenX, Turn, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Specific Media, VINDICO, Evidon, Integral Ad Science, Spongecell, Atlas, StickyAds TV, Advertising.com, Adap.TV, IponWeb BidSwitch, Media Innovation Group, Index Exchange, AdBlade Embed, Adblade.