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- Headline:Publisher: Marybeth Bond, The Gutsy Traveler - Travel Expert, Travel Blog by National Geographic Author
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertise / Sponsor If your travel organization targets destinations and adventures and you are searching opportunities for more online presence, let’s partner up. We offer a number of different options on how to use this platform to engage your audience or expose your product. For inquires or information on prices please contact us directly. Stats Google Page Rank: 5 Alexa Ranking: Top 7.3% of all websites Back Links: Over 1,000 Domaine Age: 7 year Average Monthly Reach over 2 million (Blogs, print, TV, radio, social media) Different Advertising Opportunities Banners can be placed at the bottom of posts and pages, half banners on the side bars. Link placement, product reviews and sponsored posts are available for discussion as well. Areas Where the Gutsy Traveler Brand Delivers Value Brand Association with National Geographic Author, 12 travel books, CNN Contributor, Oprah Winfrey Show, Ranked as the #1 Women Travel Expert in the USA, Targeted, personal following, high income professionals who have personally met Marybeth and remain loyal and engaged Spokesperson for Fortune 500 products and appears in national media Marybeth’s travel articles with links back to Recently: Woman’s Day Magazine, Cosmopolitan, More Magazine, Forbes, National Geographic Blog, Costco Magazine (8.5 Million circulation) GutsyTraveler followers to get the word out via social media with Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in “Likes” Fans, feedback. GutsyTraveler has been an active site for 12 years, gathering an audience of avid and engaged travelers. RANK: GutsyTraveler website has an Alexa rank of 2,273,103 which is in the top 7.31 % of all websites. Marybeth’s Strategic Relationships with other travel blogs: National Geographic Intelligent Travel,, GutsyTraveler has a mainstream media exposure through print, TV, and radio and a large social media platform.
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Gutsy Traveler advertising reaches 887 visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Gutsy Traveler will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Gutsy Traveler works with Advertising technology companies such as Chango, Rubicon Project, AdMeld, DoubleClick.Net, Improve Digital, Index Exchange, eXelate, Openads/OpenX, AppNexus, Burst Media, ContextWeb, Google Publisher Tag, Google Adsense, SiteScout.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Gutsy Traveler works with Advertising technology companies such as Chango, Rubicon Project, AdMeld, DoubleClick.Net, Improve Digital, Index Exchange, eXelate, Openads/OpenX, AppNexus, Burst Media, ContextWeb, Google Publisher Tag, Google Adsense, SiteScout.