
The Hagmann & Hagmann Report is unlike any other radio show in existence. Dominating the popular 7:00-10:00 PM ET time slot at #1 in a number of venues, they are a unique father and son team, both career detectives having over 40 years of investigative experience. Socially conservative, proudly and unapologetically Christian, their show provides insight into national and international events from that perspective. They appeal to the majority of people, nationally and internationally, who are suffering under the pressure of political correctness under which even most conservative radio and television talk shows are governed.

After two years of weekly broadcasts in various markets, The Hagmann & Hagmann Report exploded in the talk radio market in 2013 with nightly broadcasts, securing record listenership in the so-called “alternative media.” In fact, the listenership of The Hagmann and Hagmann Report surpassed many of the mainstream media radio shows. In 2013 alone, The Hagmann & Hagmann Report was heard in 64 countries by over 65 million people based on live listeners and podcast downloads. They have consistently populated the top 50 most-listened to programs according to iTunes.

1,000 Broadcasts & Still Growing!cake1000

In November of 2015, The Hagmann & Hagmann Report celebrated their 1,000th broadcast – a milestone rarely accomplished in the alternative media.

At the same time, The Hagmann and Hagmann Report documented even higher listenership numbers, and opened a video channel after christening their new radio and television studio.

Since then, they have not looked back. They have assembled a talented team of audio and video specialists to take their program to new levels, rivaling the audio and video quality of network television and the big talkers of syndicated radio.image014image015

The number of people who listen to The Hagmann & Hagmann Report live each night continues to grow and even surpass other prime-time shows in its genre. The Hagmann & Hagmann Report is on schedule to break all previous listenership records, having already surpassed the total number of shows downloaded in 2015 by July 30, 2016!

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    | Watchmen Unleashed
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    Consumer Packaged Goods, Entertainment, Financial Services, Food & Beverage, Health & Beauty, Healthcare, Non-Profit, Sports, Technology, Telecommunications, eCommerce
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    LIMITED ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY OFFERED Are you a small business looking to grow, but cannot afford the big price tag associated with advertising on nationally syndicated radio programs? Are you looking to get the most exposure for your product or service on a limited budget? Advertising on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report is THE answer to your needs. We’ve created a special, limited-time offer that will provide you with national and international exposure at a fraction of the price of the nationally syndicated “big talkers,” while getting your business in front of millions – literally millions – of potential clients and customers. Now you can experience the same level of advertising of your business right along with well-known companies such as ProFlowers, Omaha Steaks, and Nuts.com just to name a few, for a fraction of the cost. You will reach the same number of potential clients as customers by advertising on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a nightly radio and video current events program that will boost your sales and business to the next level. Additionally, clients who advertise on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report experience a much greater return-on-investment and enjoy a greater “customer loyalty factor,” meaning repeat business! Don’t let the high costs of advertising in the market hold your business hostage. Break free from the punishing costs by taking advantage of our introductory offer now. How is this possible, you might ask? Read on to learn more about The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, our audience, and how you can benefit from the experience of other big businesses. Why advertise On the Hagmann & Hagmann Report? Clients who have advertised on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report have reported significant sales growth, including some of the larger and most recognized brands in North America and Europe. “Best money we’ve ever spent for advertising,” and ”[O]ur repeat business is incredible, thanks to The Hagmann Report,” are two of the most frequently heard phrases from our clients. The simple answer is sales growth and customer loyalty. INTRODUCTORY OFFER Hagmann & Hagmann has a faithful audience of listeners worldwide that numbers in the millions. We broadcast on multiple venues both national and international via The Globalstar Satellite Radio Network, YouTube Live (and archived), iTunes, BlogTalk Radio and Soundcloud (live and archived). Our monthly downloads on iTunes often beats out all the other alternative media broadcasts like Infowars and Glenn Beck. WEBSITE BANNER PLACEMENT Available only to our LIVE READ partners Our websites get hundreds of thousands of visitors a month, and as the world spins out of control, more and more people are looking for answers and our audience is growing daily in numbers. Throughout the advertising campaign, The Hagmann & Hagmann Report will post ads and/or logos that you provide on our show and news websites. We will display multiple banners of various sizes for your business on our show website www.hagmannandHagmann.com and our newly launched and brand new news website www.HagmannReport.com. Hagmann and Hagmann goes into syndication immediately after the completion of each broadcast and is promoted across all our media platforms. For each live read, or pre-recorded spot, your website and any promotional offers will be shown to our various audiences in perpetuity. This spot will remain active for all downloads and archived playbacks – a feature that gives your business endless exposure on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report! Take note: the above video got over 17,859 views at last count. Almost 20,000 people have heard and responded to the calls for action. LIVE READS + BANNER PLACEMENT Doug Hagmann will perform an extended read, (live, on-air, not canned or pre-recorded), within the program for maximum exposure. 8 LIVE READS (2 per week) & Banner Placements on H&H websites $1800 PRE-RECORDED COMMERCIALS To be aired during satellite broadcasting network breaks BOTH VIDEO & AUDIO (Provided by Customer) 5 30 second commercials $375 ($75 each) 5 60 second commercials $625 ($125 each) YOU’LL SEE A DIFFERENCE IN TRAFFIC BEFORE YOU PAY YOUR FIRST BILL We hold you to no long term contracts. Prices are subject to change. SPACES ARE LIMITED – GET STARTED TODAY Simply send an e-mail to Opportunities@HagmannandHagmann.com with your contact information, along with a link to your website. A representative of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report will contact you directly! SOME FINAL NOTES FROM THE HAGMANN & HAGMANN REPORT – THE FINE PRINT! Repetition & Consistency – Learn from the Big Businesses We care about your success and the effectiveness of your advertising choices. We also care about our listeners and as a Christian broadcasting program, we are protective of them. With regard to doing the best we can to assure the best use of your money and your success, we have found that repetition and consistency is key. This year, we’ve heard from a number of powerhouse businesses such as ProFlowers, Nuts.com and others that have experienced significant increases in sales following a consistent “live-read campaign” on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. By far, “live-reads” have produced both a significant rise in sales, but developed a trusting, loyal and returning customer base. The greatest return on your investment consists of a 2-3-month campaign, according to the bigger businesses. We’ve done the research and your homework for you. Use the experience of big businesses to grow your business. With regard to the latter, or our protection of what goes out over the airwaves as a Christian program, we also do our homework on the product or service being offered or provided. Accordingly, we retain the right to decline to promote any company, product or service that is/are inconsistent with Christian values. In 2015, for example, The Hagmann & Hagmann Report declined over $75,000 in revenue from potential sponsors due to their support of homosexual marriage. Your Product or Service Also… If you were talking with a friend or family member, would you recommend a product or service that you have not used or tried yourself? We didn’t think so, and neither do we. Just as you would expect, we, at The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, are very protective of our audience and judicious about the products, services and even the companies we will promote. Before The Hagmann and Hagmann Report will advertise your product, the Hagmann and Hagmann Report must try it out themselves (whenever practical and applicable). We must believe in your product or service in order to recommend it to others. If this is not possible by virtue of the product or service, we will do our own homework to assure audience protection. Some of our biggest clients tell us that this is one reason for the success they’ve experienced – we are not just advertising, but endorsing your product or service! HOW TO GET STARTED ON YOUR SUCCESS Simply send an e-mail to Opportunities@HagmannandHagmann.com with your contact information, along with a link to your website. A representative of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report will contact you directly!
  • Programmatic Integrations & Publisher / Inventory Partners
    hagmannandhagmann.com, ProFlowers, Nuts.com, HagmannReport.com
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URL: hagmannandhagmann.com
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URL: hagmannandhagmann.com
Global Rank 134,005
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Hagmann & Hagmann advertising reaches 10.8k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Social, Video, Mobile, Email Advertising on Hagmann & Hagmann will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Sports, Financial Services, Non-Profit, eCommerce, Healthcare, Health & Beauty, Telecommunications, Technology, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Consumer Packaged Goods.

They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.

Hagmann & Hagmann works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Mediaplex, DoubleClick.Net, Flashtalking, DoubleClick Bid Manager, AppNexus, Openads/OpenX, Evidon, adloox, RadiumOne, Integral Ad Science, The Trade Desk, Turn, Spongecell, Aggregate Knowledge, Yahoo Small Business, DoubleVerify, Atlas, IponWeb BidSwitch, Tapad, Walmart.