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      Yes No
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    Publisher: Hanna Lei
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    Well since I write this online diary, that's literally all about me, you might think that I'd be fairly good at talking about myself, but for whatever reason that's not the case, as much as I'd like it to be. You know all those silly get to know you things that everyone did in high school ("building bridges" as my school called it) well I sucked at them. So many of the activities consisted of telling the class something that's unique about you, and all I could think of was to say I'm afraid of the dark, which is true. I'll give this a go though… In 2011 I deactivated my Facebook account. I was tired of all the high school girl drama, and just wasn't a fan of the whole idea of it. A few months later I realized that I needed somewhere to dump all my pictures, and started, which worked out great since before I'd always wanted a diary but never really kept it going. For awhile it was private, but since graduating high school I've made it public, and have become popular enough that this is like my job. Advertising accepts advertising – such as link + banner advertising on it’s sidebar, header, footer and in text advertising to be included in a post as well as giveaways and product reviews. Your Advertising Options 1. Link Advertisements Links will be sold for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months to 12 months duration. 2. Banner Advertisements Banner cost will vary by the size [125x125, 250x250 ect] and will be sold for 1 month 3 months, 6 months to 12 months duration. This is the best option to get for more exposure to your online shop or blog. Sponsorship Sponsorship means you will send me products on a monthly basis and I will feature your products on a month to month basis. Through sponsorship, you will be given a free banner ad which I will place on my sidebar, until cease of partnership (until you stop sending products). Size of the banner will vary on the type of product sent every month. I am continuously accepting sponsorship / collaboration for clothing, shoes, accessories, bags, makeup and wigs. All images can be used freely by the sponsor on their website or social network. If you have another type of product that you think would be a good fit feel free to email me using the my contact form. One-off Reviews One Off review means you will send me your product to be reviewed and I will include a link of your store in my blog entry. Absolutely no advertisements or banners included. If you wish to add an advertisement, you will have to purchase from my advertising option.
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