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- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorThe Hereford Harbinger is published eight times per academic year and online regularly by the students in the Advanced and Introductory Journalism classes at Hereford High School. Each month, the Harbinger distributes 1,000 papers to the school’s 1,315 students and 110 faculty, local businesses, and the Hereford Zone community. An online edition is available at Content is determined by the staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Hereford High School’s administration, faculty, adviser or student body. Signed editorials and columns reflect the views of the writers. Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor in Room 207. They may be edited for length and punctuation. Anonymity may be granted on a case-by-case basis. The editorial board reviews letters to the editor, advertising and guest commentaries and reserves the right to edit and refuse material. Reason can include length, clarity, libel, obscenity, material distributive to the educational process at Hereford High School or violation of copy right laws. The Hereford Harbinger is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association. - See more at:
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Hereford Harbinger works with Advertising technology companies such as AdZerk, BuySell Ads, DoubleClick.Net, Dstillery, Neustar AdAdvisor, Aggregate Knowledge, AppNexus, Bizo, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Tapad, Resonate Insights, Drawbridge, Pubmatic, Chango, The Trade Desk, IponWeb BidSwitch, Rocket Fuel, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, PublicityClerks, AdClerks.