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  • Headline:
    Publisher: Greek Cuisine
  • Key Differentiator
    Greek Cuisine in Greece, Cyprus and the Islands is a tradition that has been passed on from generation to generation. ~ Greek Cuisine, in Greece, Cyprus and the Islands, since the ancient times have attracted many foreigners like a magnet. ~ All these foreigners have tasted the Greek Cuisine and have taken back to their origin countries books and recipes about the Greek Traditional Cuisine. ~ Over the years the art of Greek Cuisine declined substantially as a result of industrial development. ~ The models were nevertheless kept in the family kitchen and especially in the villages. olive oil, olives & herbs ~ Through the centuries the Greeks fully exploited to their advantage everything foreign. ~ Slowly-slowly they created and stabilized their own traditional Greek Cuisine, bringing it to enviable levels. ~ To this successful evolutionary course of Greek, Cypriot and Island cuisine contributed not only the experiences gained or the skilfulness of the Greek people but also the great variety of feeding stuff produced on our land. ~ Actually in this sense the contribution of Greek cuisine is great and this is recognized by the thousands of foreigners who visit Greece, Cyprus and the Islands every year. ~ Even if some less fortunate people who can not visit Greece can have a taste of the Greek cuisine at their respective countries at their favourite Greek neighbourhood restaurant. ~ Or better yet, out of their own kitchen, with some recipes and instructions in this site, they can create their favourite Greek cuisine.
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