Desktop Display, Social, Mobile Display, Email
Web Publisher, Retargeting
- Headline:iGaming Suppliers and Online Gaming Vendors
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesEntertainment, Gaming, Non-Profit, Technology
- Key DifferentiatorReach The Affiliates You Want With Casino City's IGaming Pocket Directory 12,000 copies distributed at iGaming's biggest shows; mailed directly to affiliates worldwide A pocket sized handy guide for affiliates to navigate the iGaming industry Targets affiliates by vertical: Casino, Poker, Sports Betting, Bingo, Live Gaming, Mobile Gaming, Lottery and more Targets affiliates by geographic market Produced by the industry's leading gaming directory publisher and operator of the largest iGaming affiliate community Advertising Options TWO PAGE PACKAGE Two full-page color ads in the category(ies) of your choice Or a double-page spread Up to four featured category listings $2,995 FULL PAGE PACKAGE Full-page color ad in the category of your choice Up to three featured category listings $1,995 PREMIUM LISTING Full column listing (1/2 page) in the category of your choice Company logo Contact information 150-word company description $495 FEATURED LISTING Half column listing (1/4 page) in the category of your choice Company logo Contact information 75-word company description $295 Sponsorship Options & Cover Advertising PUBLICATION SPONSORSHIP Exclusive recognition as publication sponsor on front cover Sponsor logo on every directory page Three pages of editorial coverage featuring your business Four full-page color ads Up to eight premium category listings $16,995 PREMIUM CATEGORY SPONSORSHIP Exclusive recognition as the category sponsor Sponsor overview included on the category title page Logo included in the main table of contents Two pages of editorial coverage featuring your business One full-page color ad Premium listing in sponsored category Up to six featured category listings $4,495 CATEGORY SPONSORSHIP* Exclusive recognition as the category sponsor Sponsor overview included on the category title page Logo included in the main table of contents One page of editorial coverage featuring your business One full-page color ad Premium listing in sponsored category $2,995 * This sponsorship level is not available for all categories. BACK COVER PACKAGE - SOLD Back Cover full-page color ad One full-page color ad in the category of your choice Up to six premium category listings $9,995 INSIDE FRONT COVER SPREAD PACKAGE Inside Front Cover double-page Spread One full-page color ad in the category of your choice Up to six premium category listings $9,995 INSIDE BACK COVER SPREAD PACKAGE Inside Back Cover double-page spread One full-page color ad in the category of your choice Up to six featured category listings $4,995
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- 7787781 Global Rank
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- 3.05 K Estimated Visits
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iGaming Affiliate Programs advertising reaches 3.05k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Italy, United States, United Kingdom. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Social, Mobile, Email Advertising on iGaming Affiliate Programs will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as Technology, Entertainment, Gaming, Non-Profit.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
iGaming Affiliate Programs works with Advertising technology companies such as Atlas, Openads/OpenX, Twitter Ads.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
iGaming Affiliate Programs works with Advertising technology companies such as Atlas, Openads/OpenX, Twitter Ads.