- Company Name:Independent Press Agency
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- Headline:Arab world news and international affairs around the clock
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesConsumer Packaged Goods, Financial Services, Government & Politics, Health & Beauty, Healthcare, Sports, Technology
- Key DifferentiatorIndependent Press Agency was established, (independent press agency), to contribute to the consolidation of the right concepts of the profession of journalism adept at the forefront of cultural norms accuracy, objectivity, transparency and independent approach, which was considered a title for a permanent commitment to professional performance. Belong "Eba" to Iraq's people and the land, history and civilization .. aims to extend its activities to all fields of life, and seek to prosecute daily events purely and sincerity, in order to embody the truth and put them in their rightful place, and dispel the darkness until Temtlo hearts and minds glow of life full of promise and prosperity. No authority on the performance of the independent agency and its curriculum or its elite press Perceived, from any party whatsoever .. not only the effect of the conscience of their children working believers honor their affiliation journalist to work, and their adherence to the country as stipulated in the Constitution. It has set up the agency to stay and expand, and the growing role and influence, and to keep pace with the latest means to access the news report, analysis and image to all of zones Independent "Ebba Press Agency" is now putting in front of various media its news and reports to be accessible to their hands, at this stage of its early years, provided the reference to it as a source has led them this service without charge, but "Eba" be free of legal and moral responsibility if deliberately beneficiary of their reports or make changes to its news unrelated to the asset and inferred from these changes and the existence of purposes intended to deliberate distortion intended. At a later stage it will resort "Ebba", to enhance physical status and development of the methods of deployment to the payment of contributions to the beneficiaries of the service, in order to sustain its existence and continuity, and in order to remain outside influences circle whatever shape and size, and distance itself from any influence led to the loss of her experience independent and objective approach. On this they want to keep loose hand and voice to express their professional approach and adhering to Iraq sons service, with all the spectrum which distinguished themselves by the Mralasor .. will not propitiate one at the expense of the truth naked .. will be packed to the hue or wind detoured from their professionalism and credibility, he has Maossoeha agreed that this new newborn grows up and develops Psoadhm material and their potential modest, and transcends reality of life in all its aspects, God increasingly reliant Almighty, and attachment to his books and his Sunan. The (independent press agency) , founded by the elite of intellectuals, journalists and writers in Iraq, trying to boil down the distances to accomplish broader steps on the path of building non - traditional chosen for itself in the speech did not want to disclose all Amnyatea and ambitions, before establishing a ground where integrated effort and approach . We call on God help and payment, he Yes Lord and yes Protagonist
- Owned / Operated Propertiesmustaqila.com
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- 880058 Global Rank
- 6381 Iraq
- 107 K Estimated Visits
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