- Company Name:Journal Of Prolotherapy
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- Headline:Publisher: Welcome to the Journal of Prolotherapy | Our Mission is to Educate the World on the Life-Changing Effects of Prolotherapy
- Key DifferentiatorAdvertise Promote Prolotherapy and grow your business at the same time! What could be better? If you believe in Prolotherapy and natural health, we appreciate you. The readers of JOP come from all walks of life and are from all over the world. JOP readers are zealots who want to help your company succeed. If you are a potential advertiser/sponsor of JOP please contact us. We would love for our readers to know about you! The purpose of the journal is to provide the readers with new cutting-edge information on Prolotherapy, as well as to provide a forum for physicians and patients alike to tell their stories. Our hope is that this journal and website will become the number one place to find Prolotherapy information from around the world. Your advertising within the journal will allow you to reach many Prolotherapy physicians at one time, whereas it may have been more difficult to reach out to all of them otherwise. While being as prudent as we can with this project, we will continue to strive for excellence and professionalism. Together, our resources will produce a product that both readers and sponsors will be proud of. So please accept our invitation be a part of this endeavor and consider promoting your products within the Journal of Prolotherapy®. Advertisements have been reviewed to ensure that they comply with the principles governing advertising in the JOP. The appearance of advertising on the JOP website should not be construed as an endorsement or guarantee of the product or the advertiser. JOP does not take responsibility for the content of advertisements. - See more at: http://www.journalofprolotherapy.com/index.php/advertise/#sthash.N94FhDL1.dpuf
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