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- Headline:Publisher: Kirby the Dorkie
- Key DifferentiatorKirby The Dorkie Is PR Friendly! We would love to help you promote your pet product, service, or event. Product/Service Reviews There is never a charge for a product review. We offer humor, information, solutions, recipes, news, and the adventures of Kirby. Everything our readers are looking for. What will our review cover? Your review will appear in our Blog Barks and on the Reviews page. We will highlight the positive aspects of your pet product, pet owner product, or service Photos of your product or service Where to purchase your products will be clearly detailed with links to websites and/or order pages that you select You will be notified on the day it goes live with the title and link We will Tweet your article, pin it on Pinterest, and post it to Kirby the Dorkie’s Facebook Fan Page where our followers and readers enjoy leaving their comments and ideas. If you are interested in getting more out of your review a product giveaway is recommended. Free products are a big draw to building additional traffic to the review making the most of your product review. This translates into more pass through traffic to your site or your retailers' sites. Why should you consider using product reviews? Kirby the Dorkie is steadily growing organically on FaceBook, Twitter, and Pinterest. So far Kirby the Dorkie has 3k+ fans on Facebook, 600+ followers on Twitter, and 800+ followers on Pinterest. We have a Klout Score of 58 out of 100, a Google Page Rank of 3 out of 10, a MOZ rank of 4.15 out of 9.99, an Alexa ranking of 259,816, and a Hubspot Marketing Grade of 71 out of 100. With the authority and branding success we are steadily gaining Kirby the Dorkie is becoming increasingly well followed which means more prospective customers or clients for your product or service. Sponsor a Giveaway A full length post about your product or service including photos and links to your website to make it simple and quick for readers to find the information they need about your product or service. A giveaway announcement will require readers to enter by interacting with us in some way giving you the most promotional exposure. These entry options will include commenting on our post, sharing on FaceBook, or Tweeting about the giveaway. We will encourage readers to "Like" your Facebook page and follow you on Twitter and Pinterest. The majority of our readers are located in the United States, Canada, and Australia. However, you have the choice to limit the countries you are willing to ship the winner's product. We use Giveaway Tools to create, run, and organize our giveaways which allows entrants to fill out more entry options by providing options in a format that makes it simple and convenient to enter. At the end of the giveaway Rafflecopter randomly selects a winner from the comments and posts the winning name. A follow-up post, Tweet, and FaceBook status to award the prizes once again highlighting your product and related websites giving you an additional opportunity to be mentioned with comments about the readers' reactions to the giveaway. Readers will return to see if they were one of the lucky winners giving you yet another chance to encourage them to hit the link to your sales page. Facebook and Twitter get another round of posts and chatter as well. Your giveaway will be listed on numerous sweepstakes/giveaway sites, where pet owners go to learn about free products they may win. This will get you additional exposure allowing visitors to easily navigate from site to site increasing the number of visits. These are the sites we currently employ with more to come: Contest Alley Online Sweepstakes and Contests enteronlinesweepsbutton.jpg Free Listings of Online Giveaways Free Hot Samples dealseekingmombutton.jpg Sweepstakes Crazy - Online Contests and Sweepstakes to Win Cash and Prizes Giveawaypromotebutton.jpg Sweepstakes Max Facebook Blog Giveaways MVM Giveaways & Sweeps If you are interested in providing a giveaway for promotional reasons please contact us with: The product or service (usually by coupon or coupon code) that you are interested in providing The quantity you plan to make available Information about your product or service Any questions you may have. Advertise with us Buttons and banners can showcase your product or service. Contact us if you think this would work for you. Buttons: (125 x 125 or smaller) located in our sidebar which appears on both the front page and blog page or Page of your choice with discounts available for prepaying for commitment period. Contact us for pricing of larger banners/buttons $20/month--single month $15/month--3 month commitment $10/month--6 month commitment Text links located at the bottom of a particular Blog Barks post. $17/month--single month $12/month--3 month commitment $7/month--6 month commitment Text links located in The Canine Chef Cookbook recipes. $20/month--single month $15/month--3 month commitment $10/month--6 month commitment The information in the above sections may be changed without notice. Current advertisers will not be affected by rate changes during a commitment period.
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