Desktop Display, Social, Mobile Display, Email
Web Publisher
- Headline:Living it up in the Land of Four Seasons of Fun!
- Self / Managed Service:Managed Service
- IndustriesFood & Beverage, Travel & Leisure
- Key DifferentiatorAbout kristinashouse.com 3/8/15 – we are updating this page – check back next week!!! This site showcases old school Midwestern work ethics anchored in honesty and hard work yet armed with cutting edge thinking and trendy tech tools. This site also showcases Midwestern lifestyles celebrated through family, friends, food and fun. You will find substance AND sizzle along with some surprises! Here is where you will find the best of the Midwest. This site shares recipes of the past right out of Grandma’s recipe box, alongside all the fashionable foods and flavors of today. We pair Midwest meats and cheeses with homegrown fruits and vegetables. We even throw in the unique game meats that show up in a Midwest kitchen and we never forget the wine. We showcase how to use leftovers and how to preserve food. Our comfort foods include “rich man” meals and “poor man” meals as here in the Midwest we know how to make the most of when times are long and times are lean. We have practical beauty, family, fun and homemaking tips. We also feature reviews of resorts, hotels, restaurants and more in our Out and About section. In our business section you will find ideas on how to make and save money in running your business. We will give you tools in the event you aspire to be a business owner yourself. We will also give you tools on how to be the best employee you can be so you can get yourself in a position to advocate for a better work and life blend from your employer. A few of our contributors are featured below and yet we have several people, with expertise in a variety of areas, contributing to this site. And, while you can come here and read what we write – the best way to get the most out of this site is to pose questions that our contributors can answer for you. You can submit questions through the Contact Us page. We will answer those questions in posts to the site so everyone can benefit. You are busy. Here you will find impactful solutions delivered in a short amount of time on both work and life topics. So, check us out as you are between meetings, in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, or during the seventh inning stretch of your son or daughter’s ball game. Ask questions…. or not…… but either way we hope you will visit kristinashouse.com each week for flashbacks and fast-forwards!
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