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    Cindy is a trained paralegal. She is the mom of two children, 5 and under. Currently she is a stay-at-home mom who is adept at finding money saving tips for families. Dawn is a photographer. She is the mom of two children, 6 and under. Currently she is a work-at-home mom who owns and operates Dawn Fry Photography. Dawn is also a podcaster for Musing Mommies. George is an electrical engineer and a MINI and photography enthusiast. He is the uncle of three nephews and one niece. Currently, he freelances as the occasional babysitter to the runts. Howard is an electrical engineer and the father of two kids, 5 and under. He is our resident hamburger fiend and park scouter, the one sent to check out the field conditions and snap photos of the park perimeters while the kids play. Julia is a Texas certified secondary teacher in a local school district. She is the mom of two children, 5 and under. Currently she teaches science for the highly gifted. Julia is the brain child behind Little Austinite. Nathan is a civil engineer and a car enthusiast. He is the father of a 3 year old. Currently, he is our resident Twitpic-er. Sandy is a corporate communications manager. She is the mom of a 3 year old. Currently she is a working parent and freelances as public relations and corporate communications writer. She also contributes to Shannon is a stay at home mom to four year old boy-girl twins. She is a Volkswagen junkie from Tulsa, OK but has lived in Austin for seven years. Before having twins, she was a case manager for persons with different-abilities. Taylor recently moved to Austin from Brooklyn, NY with her husband and baby boy. She is a freelance writer, online content-creator and social media magic-maker. She’s also a blogger on Terri is an advertising account planner. She is the aunt of six nephews, three nieces, and mom to one very large and lazy Akita. She currently freelances as the frequent babysitter for the nieces and nephews. Victoria is a marketing, communications specialist. She is a single mom of two children, 5 and under. Currently she is a working parent who provides research, writing and editing services as well as web content and web 2.0 marketing consulting. - See more at:
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  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Gene Expression
  • RNA Interference
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