Maker Studios, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is the global leader in online short-form video and the largest content network on YouTube.
Founded in 2009, Maker empowers creators and inspires expression. We pride ourselves on providing real value to talent and brands. Our goal is to support individual content creators through meaningful partnerships and brand building.
Attracting more than 12 billion views monthly with over 800 million loyal subscribers globally, Maker reaches audiences across platforms.
Maker is home to award-winning content across genres including “Epic Rap Battles of History” and "Wonder Quest" along with a network of over 60,000 content creators worldwide.
Maker is headquartered in Culver City, Calif. with operations in New York, London, and Singapore.
- Company Name:Maker Studios
- Parent Company Name:acquired by Disney
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Los Angeles, CA, United States
500 - 1,000 employees
Mobile Display, Desktop Video, Email, Desktop Display, Social
Web Publisher, YouTube MCN, Other
- Key DifferentiatorEntertainment is changing. Millennials are living a mobile, social, on-demand life. Maker is the #1 producer and distributor of online video to this diverse, tech-savvy group attracting 6.5 billion+ monthly views and 450 million+ subscribers.Home to online video’s top digital stars, channels and content, Maker is dedicated to developing talent, creating premium programming, and building lasting brands with engaged audiences.Maker offers effective and hyper-targeted media solutions that not only enable brands to reach the elusive millennial audience but are guaranteed to deliver engagement and results that set us apart from the rest of the industry.Custom Pre-RollCUSTOM PRE-ROLLIn addition to our range of IAB formats, our custom solutions can include RSS feeds, DVR reminders, content downloads, social feeds, and more.Channel TargetingCHANNEL TARGETINGIntegrate your brand message natively into our top performing channels to deliver world-class results while preserving the authenticity of the programming.SponsorshipsSPONSORSHIPSMore than just a logo, our unique custom sponsorships allow you to connect with our forward leaning and deeply engaged audiences while building brand credibility.
- Owned / Operated,, instafluence,
- Approved 3rd Party Ad Serving / Rich Media VendorsSizmek -
- 22860629 Global Rank
- 5356047
- 2.9 K Estimated Visits

- United States 23.9%
- India 12.1%
- Iran 6.2%
- Russia 4.0%
- Mexico 3.2%
- Industrial Goods and Services
- Civil
- 100 K Downloads
- 10 SDKs
- 4.47 Avg. Rating
- 1.19 K Total reviews
- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: entertainment
- Bundle ID: com.beachfrontmedia.erb
- App Size: 6.64 M
- Version: 22
- Release Date: March 20th, 2013
- Update Date: March 20th, 2013
Hello, my name is Sir Isaac Newton, and this the official Epic Rap Battles of History video player. If I knew what an app was, I would tell you that it works on 'Droids'. But I don't, so I will simply tell you it is an easy and free way to watch all the ERB videos in one place, and it works by magic.
They are headquartered at Los Angeles, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Maker Studios works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Remarketing, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Publisher Tag, Index Exchange, Google Adsense for Domains.