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- Headline:Publisher: Making a House a Home — Blog
- Key DifferentiatorWe have a growing family, a growing DIY list, and a growing blog! About five years ago we launched a blog to help keep friends and family in the loop about our destination wedding with, about four years ago that all changed!… After skipping our 2 week honeymoon to France and Italy and buying a house instead, we found ourselves jotting down what were were doing to make this 80+ year old home our own. As of 2013 average traffic is 120K page views a month, not including the 2,000+ unique readers/feed subscribers. Our readers are amazing, and stay on the page for an average of ten (10) minuets! We have 9,000+ Twitter followers, 10,000+ instagram follows, and 2,400 Pinterest followers Giveaways are only open to our sponsors! ($50 minimum prizes) Want to have us do a product review? Sweet! We are open to discuss relevant products dealing with home improvement, DIY projects, and home design and decor. Email hello @ makingahouseahome dot com for more details Joey and Lana Make a House a Home feature 3-5 new posts a week focusing on home design, decor, and DIY projects. We are were members of True Value’s DIY Blog Squad, Declared Creative Genius by DIY Network, are DIY experts over at 3M, have worked with almost 100 major brands and have been featured on many blogs and in Glamour Magazine! Shoot us a line, and we’ll shoot you one back!
- Owned / Operated,
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Making a house a home advertising reaches 15.9k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Making a house a home will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
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They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.