- Company Name:Medical News Inc
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Headquarters: (View Map)Brentwood, TN, United States
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher: Medical News Corporate
- Key DifferentiatorMEDICAL NEWS INC, PUBLISHERS OF AMERICA'S LARGEST NETWORK OF TRADE HEALTHCARE NEWSPAPERS, is the best source for healthcare industry news you can truly use. With a professional readership comprised of physicians and key industry decision makers, Medical News publications are devoted entirely to healthcare issues that impact both clinical and administrative best practices. Written and edited specifically for healthcare professionals, our writers work with experts at the local, regional and national level to keep you informed about our ever-evolving healthcare system. Monthly focus features on a variety of clinical and business topics allow us to zero in on medical advances, regulatory issues, and innovative ways to enhance your bottom line. Other monthly features cover legislative affairs, lifestyle options and industry accolades. Markets include: Arkansas Birmingham East Tennessee Louisiana Memphis Mississippi Nashville Orlando St. Louis Tampa Bay Manatee-Sarasota West Tennessee Distribution Distribution Includes: All Physicians Physician Practice Administrators/CEO/CFO Physician Practice Referral Nurses Physician Assistants Hospital Administrators/CEOs/CFOs/Presidents Assisted Care Living Facilities Administrators Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Administrators Home Medical Equipment Owners/Administrators Hospice Administrators Nursing Home Administrators Healthcare Company CEOs/CFOs/COOs/Presidents Hospital Discharge Planners Case Managers State Nurses Association Health Information Management Association Members MGMA Association Members Department Heads to Purchasing Managers Please contact the market Publisher/Sales Executive for specific numbers: Birmingham Medical News: Steve Spencer (205.437.1193) / steve@birminghammedicalnews.com East TN Medical News: Cindy Devane (423.426.1142) / cindy@easttnmedicalnews.com Louisiana Medical News: Scott Cavitt (337.235.5455) / scott@louisianamedicalnews.com Medical News of Arkansas: Rebekah Hardin (501.580.8903) / rhardin@medicalnewsofarkansas.com Memphis Medical News: Pamela Harris (501.247.9189) / pamela@memphismedicalnews.com Mississippi Medical News: Kathy Arich (601/707/5260) /karich@mississippimedicalnews.com Nashville Medical News: Tori Hughes (615.844.9410) / thughes@southcomm.com Orlando Medical News: John Kelly (407.701.7424) / johnkelly@orlandomedicalnews.com St. Louis Medical News: Larry Henry (314.917.6017) / lhenry@medicalnewsinc.com Tampa Bay Medical News: John Kelly (407.701.7424) / johnkelly@orlandomedicalnews.com West Tennessee Medical News: Pamela Harris (501.247.9189) / pamela@memphismedicalnews.com Ad Sizes Front Page Banner: 7.75”w x 1.25”h Full Page Ad: 10”w x 13”h 3/4 Page Ad: 7.44” w x 13”h Island: 7.44” w x 9.875"h 1/2 Page Horizontal Ad: 10”w x 6.38”h 1/2 Page Vertical Ad: 4.88”w x 13”h 1/3 Page Ad: 7.44" w x 5.5”h 1/4 Page Vertical Ad: 4-7/8”w x 6.38”h 1/4 Page Horizontal Ad: 7.44”w x 4.25”h 1/8 Page Vertical Ad: 2.31”w x 6.38”h 1/8 Page Horizontal Ad: 4.88”w x 3.12”h 2 Page Spread Ad: 21"w x 13”h
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Medical News Inc advertising reaches 62 visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Medical News Inc will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They are headquartered at Brentwood, TN, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
They are headquartered at Brentwood, TN, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.