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- Key DifferentiatorWe offer advertising and placement of lecturer information onto our site. Advertising is provided in two areas: Sponsorship: This advertising space is at the top of the page and provides a 460 x 60 banner The cost of this advertising space is £25 per month. Sponsorship ensures that you will only ever share tge prime advertising space with three other advertisers. if you would like EXCLUSIVE sponsorship, please talk to us for a price. Side Adverts: These smaller adverts are placed on the right hand side of all pages are provide a 141 x 94 space. The cost of this advertising space is £5 per month. In addition your convention can be featured in the following ways.. Convention Event Details: Convention event details are provided free of charge, providing that you send us the correct details, dates and short copy on the event. It will be placed into our event calendar* Lecturer Details: We provide the ability for lecturers to list information and contact details on their lectures. There is a suggested fee of £20 as a one off charge for each submission of a lecture run or tour. This includes the ability to have a photo, URL, contact information, and lecture details. You can provide updates to this listing, however if a new tour starts or there are major changes, we would kindly ask that you make a new donation up to £20. Latest lectures will appear at the top of the page, and we list them in the order we receive them. Convention Reporting: If a Magic Convention Guide writer attends your convention we will of course report it as fully as we can. This may include ‘live blogging’ meaning that at least one entry for every day of your convention is posted onto the front page of the site, it will list our personal views on the convention, as it happens, along with news, information and similar. We may also provide photographs (assuming that we have your permission to take these). Where an Magic Convention Guide writer cannot attend, we look for registrants to provide their own views that will be posted on the site. With ‘Live Blogging‘ or reporting, you can make our life much easier by helping us out. Permission to take photos, or a press pass and similar will make our life easier, and of course ensure that the report is fuller and more interesting to the readership. We can also provide audio interviews and reporting on site as well. Please contact us for more information on how these ‘live’ reports can be run. If you want to make a donation for ‘Live Reporting’ please let us know.
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MHS Howler advertising reaches 613 visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on MHS Howler will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
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They have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.