Factory with more than 25 years of experience. We bet on being a company in using new technologies, and at present we have a production factory with more than 5000 m2 where we have the most modern vanguard machinery with CNC-CAM technology with which we achieve an accuracy and optimum quality.
We have 2 manufacturing lines:
One for wood, melamines, fibers, mdf for which we have two machining centers, sectioning machines, curved edgers, presses and varnishing booth.
And another line for sheet metal with electronic punching machine, electro-welding machine, folding machines and oven for finishing epoxy finish.
Automated processes allow us to manufacture up-to-date furniture at competitive prices, with perfect finishes without neglecting quality and design.
We have a team of professionals, so that your installation is perfect, from the creation of your customized project, to the assembly.
The objective of our company Mobicolor Diseños S.L. is to make ourselves known in professional networks to offer customized furniture solutions.
- Company Name:Mobicolor
(View Trends)
Office Locations:Toledo
Mobile Display
Ad Network
- Headline:Global Mobile AD Network
- IndustriesMobile App Installs
- Key Differentiator-Global publishers leads to global users reach. -Mcolor-Model helps acquiring the right users. -Speed up the progress of users acquiring. -Broad publisher community to help you maximize your clients' results. -Different conversion solutions: Cost per Install, Cost per Lead and Cost per Sale. -High quality traffic with Mcolor-Model helps you acquire the right users with high retention rate and strong willingness to pay. -Maxisize your revenue with low cost. -Mcolor-Model specializes in providing effective marketing campaign. -Optimize your campaigns continully according user behaviors in destination countries/zones/cities, marketing budgets, channel effects etc. -For mobile game advertisers,as a cooperative partner xsolla,we offer you one-stop international payment solution.
- 25296484 Global Rank
- 840
- 26 Estimated Visits
- United States 89.3%
- Canada 7.5%
- Clearing Houses and Securities Depositories
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