Mobithink Limited is a mobile marketing network, focusing on Mobile Game Acquisition. Mobithink has qualified traffic for both Android and IOS platform, with 70% Android and 30% IOS. We now presence in Hongkong, Beijing and will outreach in USA and Europe soon. The headquarter is located in Hongkong.
Mobithink is strong in North America and APAC regions, and the top countries are USA, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Russia, Brazil etc.
Mobithink accepts two ways in tracking method, one is S2S (Server to Server), and the other one is Third-Party Tracking. We have integrated with Hasoffers, Appsflyers, Ad-x, Apsalar, Party Track, Kochava, getCake and so on.
We have promoted many campaigns successfully, like Wechat, Rift Hunter, Armed Heroes, Excalibur and so on. Mobithink aims to bring qualified users to our partners and keep long term business partnership with our clients.
- Company Name:Mobithink
- Parent Company Name:CLOSED
(View Trends)
Mobile Display
Affiliate Network
- Headline:Mobile Affiliate Network
- Key DifferentiatorWe'll assist you to acquire real users and increase sales thanks to our risk-free CPA model. Guaranteed conversions With Mobithink metrics, advertisers are guaranteed conversions essentially eliminating any risk associated with online marketing. Mobithink is fully confident its advertising media and technology will exceed expectations. Higher quality backends Mobithink is extremely selective regarding publisher admittance. Advertisers see 40 – 50% higher backends with Mobithink than any other network. Real-time campaign monitoring Consistent campaign management and optimization to ensure the best qualified users for your product. International reach to dynamically growing audience on the mobile web Mobithink has mobile traffic from worldwide, and the strong geos are North America, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brazil, Indonesia and so on. We offer both Non-incentive qualified user acquisition and also large - scale rewarded traffic helpful for your product’s ranking on either iTunes or Googleplay. Assistance from experienced mobile marketing specialists Free professional expert consultation available 24/7, thus you can always get support in a very short time. Tracking Methods Mobithink supports both S2S (Server to Server) tracking and also the third - party tracking solutions. We have integrated with the most popular third – parties such as MobileAppTracking by HasOffers, AD-X, AppsFlyer, Adjust, Kochava, Apsalar, Party Track and so on.
- 0 SDKs

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Games
- Bundle ID: pengpaichuangxiang.yingxiongzhanji.normal
- App Size: 375 M
- Version: 1.3
- Release Date: September 21st, 2016
- Update Date: December 1st, 2016
——畫質感人,風景美輪美奐,人物精益求精,360°動態航拍視角,自動轉換,打擊感勁爆,為您帶來最精妙絕倫的視聽享受!要的就是High! High! High!

They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.