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    Publisher: MoneyMamba – Economics, Finance. and Business Blog
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    About Me I have been a financial blogger, writer, and just a general nerd for many years. In that time I have covered topics ranging from international macroeconomics to the domestic (U.S.) financial markets, to basic personal finance. I am the writer behind several investing newsletters, paid and unpaid, which combined have more than 250,000 subscribers. As a general rule, most are centered around international investments, with an emphasis on capital flows resulting from global monetary policy. Needless to say, in the past two years I’ve been incredibly busy! I first became interested in finance, investing and business at the age of…three, four? I remember very clearly having an old polyester wallet and nothing to put in it except tons of $1 bills. Literally, I had saved every last dollar I had ever earned for years. Since that time, the following timelime firmly established my interest in finance: Six years old: My first bank account. Seven years old: Determined to earn $1 in monthly interest on my savings account. Eleven years old: Became obsessed with Bloomberg. Also, I started my first business later that year in internet marketing with cash I had saved from refereeing. To bad it was at the height of the dotcom boom. Eleven and a half years old: Watched dotcoms soar, realized my library had a whole section on Warren Buffett. Subscribed to Money Magazine, and later countless other publications. Twelve years old: Opened my first brokerage account as part of an E-Trade gimmick that included a book from none other than The (Motley) Fool. Twenty one years old: MoneyMamba.Com launches. Let’s get this show on the road! My Style You’ll notice while reading MoneyMamba that I love data, numbers, and anything that can tell a story without saying a word. It is data, I believe, that holds all the answers. Above all else, I very much enjoy taking the basics of finance and economics and applying it to the real world. In regards to an overall theme, MoneyMamba will cover most anything from economics, to finance and investing, and the happenings in the business world. Ideally, if this blog were to be a financial publication, it’d be a little like Forbes–numerous topics, and plenty of variety. Here are a few posts you might enjoy: Business Amazon’s Strategy to Undermine Netflix in the Media Streaming Business How Walmart Dividends Stack up for the Waltons Discover: Marketing in Your Wallet Economics Federal Reserve’s Dual Mandate and How it Affects 2011 Capital Flows A Tax Proposal to Solve the Retirement Crisis Skin Color, Opportunity, and Wealth Personal Finance Today I Solve Student Debt Forever Why Living without a Credit Score is Playing with Fire Gaming Capital One $2.99 at a Time! Off-the-wall The Economics of Choosing a Seat in Class Why Games of Monopoly Last Forever The Economics of Nerdy Retailers Why Living without Money Experiments are Stupid Anyway, enjoy your stay, I hope you’ve found a new home, and I promise that while the design is quite scary right now, I’ll be sure to have a good lookin’ theme up soon. Cheers! P.S. To get in touch, go to thecontact me page.
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