The News Hub is an open journalism platform making news sustainable.
Contributors have complete editorial freedom. They can post whatever they want, whenever they want, and get paid for it.
Users can access the content for free, follow their favourite journalists, and select the type of news they want.
The News Hub launched its beta in August 2014 and is growing fast. As of November 2014, it has contributors in nearly a quarter of the countries, and traffic from over 200 countries.
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher: (2) News - Philippines - NewsHub
- Key DifferentiatorADVERTISING Would you like to advertise with NewsHub or sponsor an online feature? Please, contact us at to receive all required information, pricing and other details.
- 0 Global Rank
- 0
- 3.54 K Estimated Visits
Paid Referrals0.00%

- Online News
- 0 SDKs
- 5.0 Avg. Rating
- 0 Total reviews
- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: news_and_magazines
- Bundle ID: org.newshub
- App Size: 680 K
- Version: 12
- Release Date: March 6th, 2014
- Update Date: March 6th, 2014
Fast and lightweight mobile news feed reader for your country major newspapers! Supported countries are Brasil, India, USA, United Kingdom, Egypt, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Venezuela, Germany and many more.
Get the latest popular news absolutely for free. NewsHub is a news aggregator that allows customers to track all interested news via user-friendly and pretty straight forward interface. Initial screen contains a newsline with a top and other popular news, each entity has a subject, corresponding image and a publication date. To get news refreshed just swipe down the screen. To start browsing news in details just tap on a target news item from the newsline, within detailed news review mode customer is able to swipe between news (previous | next). Each news has its original source.
Key features:
- More than 60 supported countries;
- Application automatically detects your geo location and provides latest news according to your country;
- Ability to switch between countries and read country news you are interested in;
- Get news by categories "Main", "World", "Sport", etc;
- Search news by keywords in a target country and filter search result by categories "Main", "World", "Sport", etc;
- Lightweight application.
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, NewsHub inventory partners include:
They have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, NewsHub inventory partners include: