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    Publisher: Carribean Music Online | Download Soca, Bouyun, Reggae, Dancehall. legally.
  • Key Differentiator
    Are you from the Caribbean? If not then, you've just discovered the secret to a more fulfilling, exciting life. It's a fact - the right kind of music releases endorphins. This causes relief of pain, and if there is no pain, only happiness, pleasure remain. If you're from the Caribbean, you already know. Whether you live at home or abroad, our rich cultural heritage excites and stimulates life, and what better way to remember that culture than a hot island tune. Let's face it, it's hard living in a foreign country, missing home without your favorite music to get you through the day, unwind in the evening, or just enjoy the moment. DJing a party? What better way to impress your guests than the perfect Soca, Reggae or Bouyon songs to get the party hopping. If you're a DJ you know how important that is. The problem is, most small island music is hard to find. You see, our small island economies don't encourage the systematic production and compensation for music creation. As a result, our artists don't have enough product on hand and the music fails to reach far corners of the market. We'd like to change that. Numusiczone's goal is to bring you your favorite Caribbean tracks, and a variety of others you may not have known you liked. Wck, Triple Kay, Burning Flames, Grammacks, even Kassav. As you probably know, you wont find many of these artists anywhere else. But honestly the best part is, they all get their share of revenue from sales. Founder of Numusiczone, Craig Bellot and partner Felix Augustine have been in the Caribbean music industry for over a decade from producing to performing. Craig realized that our small island music is just as good as any other genre, yet our artists struggle. The missing link is the marketing, branding and distribution of the music. Thus, Numusiczone was born so you can: - Listen instantly - Download instantly - Get regular updates of new Caribbean music - Search our entire music catalog instantly - Browse by genre, artist or album - Support Caribbean artists Great Caribbean music is all about bringing you closer to your culture, making you happier, and supporting our artists in the process.
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