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- Headline:Publisher: Out And About Mom ---
- Key DifferentiatorAdmit it. Even though becoming a mom is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you, from time to time that teensy voice in your head wonders: will I ever have a life again? We’ve been there. We’ve ALL been there. You think: I can’t possibly get out that door. Well, we’re here to tell you that’s nonsense. All you need to get out and exploring with your wee one(s) is a little momsense, and the Out and About Moms are ready to help! We’re two friends living in Connecticut who are starting to explore our state from a new perspective: a mommy perspective. We know it can be stressful to go somewhere unfamiliar when you’ve got little ones in tow. So let us do the scouting for your next outing. Wondering where to park? We’ll tell you. Not sure if there’s a place to change baby? We’ve got you covered. Don’t know if you can bring your stroller? We do! We’ve got all the inside info from parking to restrooms, from strollers to snacks, from what’s not to miss to the stuff you can skip. And since a picture really is worth a thousand words, we’ll give you plenty of those too. In short, think of us as your own personal tour guides on this great adventure we call parenthood. So check in here first for the info you need, and then get out there! Happy trails, Mandy & Shawna The Out and About Moms
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They have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Out And About Mom inventory partners include: google.com.
Out And About Mom works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Neustar AdAdvisor, Resonate Insights, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Atlas, DemDex, Google Adsense, Evidon, DoubleVerify, X Plus One, Integral Ad Science, BridgeTrack, PointRoll, Aggregate Knowledge, Mediaplex, Korrelate, Specific Media, The Trade Desk, Yahoo Small Business, AdGear, Turn, adloox, RadiumOne, Flashtalking, Openads/OpenX, Open AdStream, Media Innovation Group, Adconion, AppNexus Segment Pixel, SpotXchange, Spongecell, Rocket Fuel, Conversant, Commission Junction, Passionfruit Ads, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Rubicon Project, Walmart, Google AdSense Integrator, Ads.txt, Google Direct, Google Inteactive Media Ads, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt.
They have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Out And About Mom inventory partners include: google.com.
Out And About Mom works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, Neustar AdAdvisor, Resonate Insights, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, BlueKai, Atlas, DemDex, Google Adsense, Evidon, DoubleVerify, X Plus One, Integral Ad Science, BridgeTrack, PointRoll, Aggregate Knowledge, Mediaplex, Korrelate, Specific Media, The Trade Desk, Yahoo Small Business, AdGear, Turn, adloox, RadiumOne, Flashtalking, Openads/OpenX, Open AdStream, Media Innovation Group, Adconion, AppNexus Segment Pixel, SpotXchange, Spongecell, Rocket Fuel, Conversant, Commission Junction, Passionfruit Ads, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Rubicon Project, Walmart, Google AdSense Integrator, Ads.txt, Google Direct, Google Inteactive Media Ads, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt.