- Company Name:Poetry Foundation
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Mission, TX, United States
1 - 10 employees
Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
Web Publisher
- Headline:Publisher
- Key DifferentiatorThe Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience.
Site Traffic
- 14159 Global Rank
- 5636 United States
- 8.36 M Estimated Visits
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- United States 68.7%
- United Kingdom 4.3%
- India 4.1%
- China 2.8%
- Canada 2.7%
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- Consumer Goods and Services
- Beauty
Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
- 100 K Downloads
- 10 SDKs
- 4.0 Avg. Rating
- 554 Total reviews
- App Url: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thepoetryfoundation.AppSuite.POETRY
- App Support: http://www.poetryfoundation.org
- Genre: lifestyle
- Bundle ID: org.thepoetryfoundation.AppSuite.POETRY
- App Size: 4.8 M
- Version: 8
- Release Date: July 12th, 2011
- Update Date: September 29th, 2017
From William Shakespeare to César Vallejo to Heather McHugh, the Poetry Foundation's app turns your Android device into a mobile poetry library:
* Search for old favorites with memorable lines.
* Give your device a shake to discover new poems to fit any mood.
* Save your favorite poems to read and share later—through Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail.
* Read poems by T.S. Eliot, Pablo Neruda, Lucille Clifton, Emily Dickinson, and many others.
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Fabric is an app development toolkit for android and iOS that provides solutions for issues such as making apps reliable, testing before going live, driving downloads, onboarding new users, engaging them, understanding an apps’ growth and then monetizing it.
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics SDK for Android makes it easy for native Android developers to collect user engagement data from their applications. Developers can then use the Google Analytics reports to measure:
The number of active users are using their applications.
From where in the world the application is being used.
Adoption and usage of specific features.
Crashes and exceptions.
In-app purchases and transactions.
And many other useful metrics...
The Google Analytics SDK also gives you the tools to monitor the success of mobile marketing campaigns. Connect user interactions with paid ads, Google Play downloads, and subsequent in-app usage and Ecommerce transactions. Google Analytics provides a powerful platform to measure and optimize all of your application marketing efforts.
Google Data APIs
A Google Data API is an API based upon the Google Data protocol. The Google Data protocol is based on the Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 syndication formats, plus the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP). The Google Data protocol extends those standards in various ways, using the extension mechanisms built into the standards.
Java Platform, Enterpr...
This document is the API specification for version 6 of the JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition.
Jsoup is an open source Java library used mainly for extracting data from HTML. It also allows you to manipulate and output HTML. It has a steady development line, great documentation, and a fluent and flexible API. Jsoup can also be used to parse and build XML.
What is Signpost?
Signpost is the easy and intuitive solution for signing HTTP messages on the Java platform in conformance with the OAuth Core 1.0a standard. Signpost follows a modular and flexible design, allowing you to combine it with different HTTP messaging layers. Click here for a list of supported HTTP libraries.
Signpost is a community effort and may be downloaded, modified, and redistributed under the terms of the Apache License version 2.
ORMLite is an Object Relational Mapping package that provides simple and lightweight functionality for persisting Java objects to SQL databases while avoiding the complexity and overhead of more standard ORM packages. ORMLite also supports native database calls on Android OS.
RoboGuice 3 smoothes out some of the wrinkles in your Android development experience and makes things simple and fun. Do you always forget to check for null when you getIntent().getExtras()? RoboGuice 3 will help you. Think casting findViewById() to a TextView shouldn’t be necessary? RoboGuice 3 is on it. RoboGuice 3 takes the guesswork out of development. Inject your View, Resource, System Service, or any other object, and let RoboGuice 3 take care of the details. RoboGuice 3 slims down your application code. Less code means fewer opportunities for bugs. It also makes your code easier to follow -- no longer is your code littered with the mechanics of the Android platform, but now it can focus on the actual logic unique to your application.
Twitter4J is an unofficial Java library for the Twitter API. With Twitter4J, you can easily integrate your Java application with the Twitter service.
Poetry Foundation advertising reaches 8.36M visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Canada. Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Poetry Foundation will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .
They are headquartered at Mission, TX, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Poetry Foundation works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, FLoC Opt-Out, FLoC, CDS Global, Google Remarketing.
They are headquartered at Mission, TX, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.
Poetry Foundation works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, FLoC Opt-Out, FLoC, CDS Global, Google Remarketing.