
An online publication that provides news and information about polo clubs and tournaments in the United States and Internationally. Polo reports are provided by several bloggers. Polo Clubs submit their press releases and news for distribution via PoloZONE.com and our social network.

  • Desktop Display
    • Brand Integrations
      Yes No
    • Sponsored Posts
      Yes No
    • Native Ads
      Yes No
    • High-Impact (Takeovers, Billboards, Overlays, Sliders, Skins)
      Yes No
    • Rich Media (Expandable & Non-Expandable)
      Yes No
  • Email
  • Mobile Display
    • Mobile Rich Media (Including Interstitials & Expandables)
      Yes No
    • Tablet Traffic
      Yes No
    • Native & Custom Mobile Executions
      Yes No
    • Requires SDK Integration
      Yes No
  • Social
  • Desktop Display, Email, Mobile Display, Social
  • CPM
  • Web Publisher
  • Headline:
    Publisher: U.S. Polo News
  • Key Differentiator
    The PoloZONE Marketing Network consists of the following Websites and social media tools. PoloZONE – A resource for polo players and fans Polo 101 – A resource for spectators and new polo students PZ message board/forums – A resource for polo players PoloZONE Facebook PoloZONE Twitter Polo 101 Facebook Polo 101 Twitter Our content reaches between 9,500 and 12,000 readers worldwide per month with a larger percentage of readers residing here in the United States. Our content draws readers back to the Website often and our social network delivers content and ads directly to our “fans” and “followers” daily. Luxury brands have discovered polo to be a viable marketing channel. PoloZONE is a free news service that is open to the public. No subscriptions are needed to read or to interact with our content. We have a string of polo bloggers who write opinion and news columns that are not offered on any other Website or in print media. Our content is unique, original and it provides a valuable, free service to the polo community. For this reason our reach into the polo community is broad and our readership is very loyal. Polo is known as the Sport of Kings and it attracts individuals and families who play polo, who travel often and who own horses, multiple properties and luxury vehicles. Luxury marketers have promoted their products and services at polo events and in polo print publications. It is now the perfect time for these same advertisers to embrace Internet-based marketing and the power of social media. PoloZONE is poised to introduce new luxury products and services to the polo community. A combination of banner ads, Internet-based advertorial content, combined with polo event promotions/sponsorships is a winning formula for any luxury company. If your company markets luxury products or services and if you would like to explore the opportunity of marketing to the polo community, please contact lynn@polozone.com or Tel. 760-619-2401. Advertising Packages PoloZONE offers a variety of ad packages from a simple 165 x 100 pixel banner ads to a full-scale promotional campaigns. We also offer exclusive sponsorship opportunities, polo marketing, consulting and related services. Each promotion we offer is custom, so please contact us for prices or for a project estimate for your campaign. Banner Ads Sponsorships Advertorial Social Marketing Blog Design and Set-up Custom Promotions Polo Marketing Consulting Polo Events and Print Campaigns
Site Traffic
URL: poloblogs.com
  • 30527668 Global Rank
  • 7051872
  • 5.41 K Estimated Visits
Traffic Sources
  • Direct
  • Display
  • Mail
  • Referrals
  • Search
  • Social
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Alexa Traffic Data
URL: poloblogs.com
Global Rank 9,143,146
French Guiana Rank 17
French Guiana Page Views 95.3%
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PoloZone advertising reaches 5.41k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are CPM on channels such as Display, Email, Mobile, Social Advertising on PoloZone will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .

They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.

PoloZone works with Advertising technology companies such as Google Adsense Asynchronous, Google Adsense.