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      Yes No
  • Mobile Display
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      Yes No
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      Yes No
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  • Desktop Display, Mobile Display, Email, Social
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    ABOUT SILICONEER: Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, Siliconeer, the only full color glossy monthly magazine of its kind, is now in its fourteenth year in print and also available online. Like most ethnic publications, Siliconeer is distributed free of charge through over 300 South Asian outlets such as major stores, restaurants, temples, community centers and mailed to South Asian businesses throughout U.S. Almost unique among South Asian publications, Siliconeer gives prominent coverage to communities other than the Indian community, including the Pakistani, Nepalese and Bangladeshi communities. Our online edition attracts visitors from all over U.S. with an archive of about 144 months worth of content. Readers visit us for looking up what’s current as well as archival stories. As a result, Siliconeer now ranks #1 in the Global and India Rankings and #2 in U.S. Ranking for any U.S. South Asian magazine or newspaper that has both Print and Online editions according to a survey conducted at in December 2007. Siliconeer is part of the New America Media ( New America Media is the country’s first and largest national collaboration of ethnic news organizations. Founded by the nonprofit Pacific News Service in 1996, NAM is headquartered in California, where ethnic media are the primary source of news and information for over half of the state’s new ethnic majority. Siliconeer is also the only magazine that has all print advertisers and the print edition available online as well at no extra cost to the advertiser, as we believe these innovations help provide our readers and advertisers with a much wider reach. Siliconeer has participated in marketing campaigns for a host of corporate and local clients namely AT&T, State Farm Insurance, New America Media, Western Union, HSBC Bank, Lufthansa Airlines, Emirates Airlines, American Airlines, Thai Airways, Eva Air, DirecTV, DiamlerChrysler (Mercedes Benz), Dish Network, Citibank, Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America, MetLife, Prudential, Nationwide, Allstate, Principal Financial Group, Technology Credit Union and County of Santa Clara (Partial List) |TOP| ADDITIONAL DATA: Established: February 2000 READERSHIP: Print: 128,000 (Print & Online) | Online: 45,000 Unique Visitors Monthly. Over 1.8 Million Hits per month. (Details Available in Media Kit) SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE: 23rd. of every month for the following month’s issue MATERIALS DEADLINE: 27th. every month for the following month’s issue SPECIAL PAGES AVAILABLE: Please confirm at least 14 days prior to scheduled release for final availability |TOP| READERSHIP DEMOGRAPHICS: Population According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Indians are the Second largest Asian American group after the Chinese Age Group Over 40% of Asian Indians are between 25-49 years with a median age of 33 years. Education Bachelor’s Degree or higher: 65% or more Asian Indians have the highest educational qualifications of all ethnic groups in U.S. Occupation Skilled Professionals, Management, Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Educators Income Family Income Range: $50,000 to $400,000 Average Family Income: $85,000 plus Family About 70% of Asian Indians are married Average Family Size: 3 or more Language Asian Indians have a good comprehension of English language. 98% of Asian Indians speak some English. Over 75% are fluent in communicating, reading and writing in English. Home & Automobile Ownership Over 50% Own One or More Housing Units Over 90% Own One or More Cars Media Preferences 90% of Asian Indians read a South Asian magazine or newspaper simply to keep up with the happenings in the community around them as well as back home on a regular basis. With the Internet and social media, they are bombarded with news and are now looking to read publications that specifically cater to their interests instead of a generalized news site or paper. |TOP| PUBLICATION DETAILS: PUBLICATION DATE: 5th of every month PUBLICATION TYPE: Monthly Full Color Glossy Magazine PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION: PRINT:Siliconeer is distributed free of charge through over 300 South Asian outlets such as major stores, restaurants, temples, community centers and mailed to South Asian businesses throughout U.S. ONLINE: emailed to e-subscribers (8500+) in California and elsewhere worldwide. Online Hits: 1.8 Million Plus per Month. POPULATION OF SOUTH ASIANS (INDIAN | PAKISTANI | BANGALDESHI | SRI LANKAN | NEPALESE) According to the 2010 U.S. Census, California has the highest number of South Asians in U.S. These include people from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The largest among the SOUTH ASIAN ETHNICITIES is INDIAN and it is also the most affluent and educated. California’s Population Demographics Asian Indian............................528,176 Bangladeshi..................................9,268 Bhutanese.......................................694 Nepalese......................................5,618 Pakistani.....................................46,780 Sri Lankan...................................10,240 Source: 2010 U.S. Census Siliconeer can help clients in many different ways in addition to print and online advertising: Email campaigns: We can offer exclusive email campaigns for our email subscribers Events: Provide timely information and suggestion on participation in major SF BAY AREA and SACRAMENTO AREA South Asian Community events such as Independence Day, Diwali (Festival of Lights), Holi (Festival of Colors). Each of these events attract thousands of visitors from all South Asian ethnicities. |TOP| Common FAQs: List any other publications that you are often compared with. Please explain what differentiates your publication from those titles and why you feel it is a must-buy for our client: Ethnic South Asian publications in California can be broadly divided into two groups: Weekly newspapers and monthly/ quarterly periodicals. The leading newspapers include India-West, India-Post, India Journal (Los Angeles). The leading periodicals include India Currents (monthly), Little India. Other publications such as Indian Life&Style and Silicon India have minimal visibility and reach. Siliconeer is unique in the following ways: It is the only glossy full color monthly magazine for South Asians in the West Coast. California alone has over 528,000 Indian Americans, with a vibrant strong and influential presence in the Silicon Valley, which is the heart of our magazine’s targeted audience. In format, content and design, the magazine stands out head and shoulders over all other publications. In the West Coast, our magazine enjoys particular popularity over Little India because of our focus in developing and offering exclusive local content. High-quality production values mean we cater to only a limited number of premium advertisers, giving our advertisers much greater visibility. Special issues with exclusive editorial content target festivals and the diverse South Asian community (Diwali, Independence Day of India and Pakistan) that offer unique exposure to advertisers. A large number of our Silicon Valley readers have contacts worldwide, who also read our online version. This readership would be an attractive advertising target for attracting tourists. Detail any special issues and positioning available. We plan special supplements with exclusive editorial content from time to time. The Independence Day supplement, part of our August issue, will mark the Independence Days of India and Pakistan with special articles. We are the only major Asian publication to honor the Pakistani American community. This is part of Siliconeer’s exclusive vision to promote more understanding and kinship within the various South Asian communities. The Diwali supplement, part of our October issue, will celebrate the biggest festival of the Indian American community with special content. Please note that plans are subject to change. Additional supplements may be planned depending on future events. Please let us know if you want to be informed in advance. Please detail the geographic breakdown by state of your publication’s circulation. Siliconeer is distributed in over 300 outlets and community centers in the West Coast with special focus in the Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, San Diego and Sacramento. Please list the ethnic groups reached by your publication and roughly what % of the circulation each represents if more than one. Our publication, being free of charge, reaches 100 percent of the South Asian population in the West Coast either by print or via online. The South Asian population includes people of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepali and Sri Lankan origin. We are looking to go beyond just ad pages next year and we would like to get your ideas on added value opportunities and sponsorships that may be available to our clients. This can include events, online opportunities, email/direct mail lists, bonus pages, etc. This is something that we would like to correspond with you in further detail. Here are a few preliminary ideas: Advertorial/ sponsored sections: Siliconeer would be happy to work with you in publishing editorial pieces regarding travel/ business/ event opportunities. We would consider preparing editorial content with your assistance. In addition, we have special platinum sponsor/ grand sponsor/ additional sponsor spots (as opposed to regular premium pages) in our supplement section. For an additional surcharge, this will get you exclusive visibility and a editorial mention in our list of special sponsors. Email campaigns: We can offer exclusive email campaigns for our email subscribers Events: Provide timely information and suggestion on participation in major SF BAY AREA and SACRAMENTO AREA South Asian Community events such as Independence Day, Diwali (Festival of Lights), Holi (Festival of Colors). Each of these events attract thousands of visitors from all South Asian ethnicities. If you have any ideas, do feel free to share them with us. Our editorial/advertising department will be happy to explore ideas and work with you on this. |TOP|
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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Siliconeer - Old
  • 10 SDKs
  • 4.8 Avg. Rating
  • 1 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: news_and_magazines
  • Bundle ID:
  • App Size: 23.3 M
  • Version: 48
  • Release Date: April 17th, 2013
  • Update Date: September 25th, 2016


Siliconeer is a general interest South Asian monthly magazine.
Whether it's IT, Politics, Business, Finance, Current Affairs, Community News or Bollywood, Auto Reviews, Travel, Recipes, we have you covered.

Download it to stay in tune with the happenings in the Indian community in U.S. and back home.
Infotech, News, Politics, Current Affairs, Education, Social Issues, Travel, Entertainment, Bollywood, Recipe, and all that South Asians in general and Indians in particular crave for.
You can also be a journalist - share photos about events as soon as they happen, here, and more ...

Features in this release:
1. NEW: Read Current and past issues in Web format.
2. MAGAZINE: Read Current Issue in Print format with the same layout as the print edition.
3. DEALS: A page about our supporters
4. MEDIA KIT: PDF file for Media Buyers
5. COMMUNITY: Photo gallery of recent events in the Indian community
6. VIDEOS: Video gallery of recent events in the Indian community
7. WEB: page right from inside the app.
8. EVENTS: Current events in the Indian American community
9. READER's CHOICE: Post photos and comments about anything interesting. Subject to editorial review.
10. SOCIAL: Facebook, Twitter feeds from Siliconeer
11. CONTACT: Reach us
12. ABOUT: A few words about our magazine.

Version: 1.0
Released April 2013

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Siliconeer advertising reaches 112k visitors across desktop and mobile web, in countries such as . Pricing models they offer are flat_rate on channels such as Display, Mobile, Email, Social Advertising on Siliconeer will allow you to reach consumers in industries or verticals such as .

They are headquartered at Fremont, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Siliconeer inventory partners include:

Siliconeer works with Advertising technology companies such as The Trade Desk, Chango, Neustar AdAdvisor, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Accuen, BlueKai, Turn, DemDex, DoubleClick.Net, Dstillery, Atlas, Resonate Insights, AppNexus, Google Adsense, X Plus One, Yahoo Small Business, Evidon, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Mediaplex, Facebook Exchange FBX, Conversant, Commission Junction, Integral Ad Science, Openads/OpenX, Google Adsense Asynchronous, Link Share, PHP Ads.