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    I live in historic Landenberg PA in an 1800s farmhouse, within walking distance of the PA-DE-MD tricorner. I am a voracious reader and hoard quotes like a dragon’s treasure. I am a writer, a philosopher, a talker, a literary gangsta, a lover of all things clever and beautiful, an amasser and distributor of information. I’m the Honey Badger Mom of three kids, two dogs (a beagle mix and a Saint Bernard puppy), and two elderly Blue Russian cats. Depending on my mood or time of day, I’m a mean green drama queen; a Hepburn fashionista (I’m Katherine AND Audrey); a soapbox shouter; a getting-there CrossFitter, or just generally really pretty badass. I’m immeasurably proud to be the Community Manager of FitFluential; that’s me behind the @FitFluential Twitter account and on the FitFluential blog. I’m a real food advocate, a wilderness defender, a believer in a common sense healthy lifestyle firmly anchored by the power of play. I grew up on a steady diet of Emerson and Thoreau, with Salinger and Dylan for dessert. (Thanks, Dad.) Before I was a mom, I worked in a professional photography store, and I learned how to wield a camera… sort of. More importantly, I learned that the camera itself is not as vital as the ability to see and to convey the world’s beauty. And then I became a mom– to Jacob, now 16; Maverick, 13; and Cassidy, 9; three stunningly funny and wise and beautiful kids– and I learned to see through their eyes the wonders that are all around, if we take the time to let them in. For my kids’ sake, and for everyone’s kids’ sakes, I’ve become the green mom, the crunchy granola organic mom, the “get outside” mom, the activist mom. I’m trying to save the world because I can’t imagine not trying. I maintain this blog to educate, motivate, inspire, and generally light a fire under the butts of those I reach to become their best selves. Why It’s what I imagine to be the ideal life: Simple— decluttered, centered by routine, with room to breathe and appreciate the small things. I’m not Thoreau on Walden Pond, but I like to pretend that I am. Green— living in, being part of, appreciating and protecting nature. I also think it’s important to really KNOW what makes up the natural world around us. “Humans seldom value what they cannot name.” Organic— Yes, this pertains to my attempts to live a less less toxic. But look the word up and you also get “a form of social solidarity, that is characterized by voluntary engagements in complex interdependencies for mutual benefit.” Chew on that a bit. Happy— When I first started this blog I saw happiness purely as the opposite of being unhappy. I was unhappy all the time and I didn’t like it one bit. Over time, circumstances have changed, my outlook has changed, and my definition of happiness has evolved. It’s still evolving. But mostly I think happiness is a good night’s sleep, satisfied that we did good work today, enjoying the long run: whatever that might mean for you. Most of the photographs on this site are mine. All opinions definitely are.
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