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    Publisher: Simply Good Eating
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    So who are the folks behind Simply Good Eating? Welcome to Simply Good Eating. Hi my name is Jerry. I’m currently working full time as an IT Engineer while also running and operating this food blog with my wife Coral. Together, we work as a team in the kitchen to bring you original recipes of our own along with some that come from our family, friends, adapted from books or magazines or from other blogs (all given appropriate credit). Jerry: Anyone that knows me also knows I LOVE to EAT! I was always the one that would go for that third or fourth plate of food like its my first. My passion for food started off with eating which eventually grew into curiosity towards cooking resulted in much love and respect for it. I will be focusing on blogging about recipes that are simply good eating (delicious) but may not necessarily be considered health conscious. This is where Coral comes in. I guess you could say me and my wife is like the “Yin and Yang” providing a balance of various recipes complimenting the reader. We may polar opposites of each other on many things but ironically, its also what makes us so compatible. Coral: I love to enjoy a good tasting meal like my husband Jerry but unfortunately due to health reasons, I am limited to eating whatever I want these days. However I have learned to adapt and enjoy a more health conscious eating lifestyle without compromising significantly. So while Jerry may be doing some dishes that may not cater to special dietary needs, I will be showcasing recipes for special dietary needs that I eat (ranges from gluten free, sugar free, low carb, etc). You can rest assured we wouldn’t post anything on here that we would not eat our self. When I’m not cooking, I am busy with trying to stay fit exercising at the gym, catching up on some ebook reading and working on our small business projects. What inspired the start up of this food blog? Like many people, my family are great cooks so my attitude was like “Why bother?” Well that all changed when I got my first opportunity to make my own eggs, then my first steak and so forth. Ironically my wife was no different then me growing up in a household where her parents and grandparents would not even allow anyone else into the kitchen. She only became an outstanding home chef after she married me. We share a passion for cooking and do this at least 5 days a week which led us to creating and accumulating tons of recipes that we want to share with family, friends readers and wandering eaters. We hope that our blog will make you realize that food and cooking are meant to be enjoyed. Food is not meant to be treated as mere nourishment. Finally of course, nothing beats eating a meal with people you love and care about. Most food blogs focus on a specific niche. What is Simply Good Eating focusing on and what separates you from other food bloggers? We are walking a fine line between focusing on foods that may be on the health conscious side and also on foods that are just good to eat. In addition, we make it a point to offer a comprehensive step by step comprehensive approach to cooking various types of recipe dishes. However, we don’t just cover recipes. We also do non biased product reviews, dining out reviews, traveling posts, giveaways and more! A lot of blogs, recipe sites, books and even magazines typically give you a recipe with ingredients and directions with just text. We could do that too, but we wanted to illustrate and emphasize the directions of a recipe by providing important visual imagery to the reader so whoever attempted our recipes would be well informed of how to cook the recipe dish as intended. So long story short, we don’t take short cuts with our recipes and spend the extra time and effort to provide readers with a detailed step by step approach. We believe you’ll benefit from comprehensive process. I also want to be clear that we are not strictly a health conscious food blog. We want to offer readers a balance of some health conscious dishes along with some that are just too delicious to pass up in life. What camera are you currently using to do photography? We are currently using a Sony NEX 5N camera. I originally was going to go for a full size DSLR camera but opted for this camera that suits my needs of providing better portability while taking decent quality pictures. Where do you enjoy going out to for fun? Since we currently reside in Long Island, NY we enjoy occasionally going into New York City since it is only an hour away from us. The commute allow escape the suburban area and into the concrete jungle. We love going to many of the thrifts shops, retail stores, parks, art theaters, museums and of course to many of the excellent eatery spots in New York City. What sites/blogs do you enjoy reading outside of cooking and eating? Jerry: I personally enjoy the following sites. Coral: These are the sites I enjoy visiting. Finally last but not least, what is your current favorite thing to eat? Jerry: My current favorite thing to eat regardless of rain or snow, hot or cold is a nice big bowl of ramen noodles. Coral: For me it would be a fresh plate of tomato cucumber salad with grilled chicken.
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