- Company Name:Spinfuel EMagaine
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- Key DifferentiatorThank you for visiting Spinfuel eMagazine We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor and will continue to stop by to read our latest reviews, opinion, and news covering the Electronic Cigarette industry. It is on this page that you can read about the team of editors, writers, graphics, and IT staff that makes Spinfuel what it is. Below is our mission statement, as well as our philosophy, our beliefs and our commitments. Enjoy! Our Goal The Mission Statement - Our goal at Spinfuel eMagazine is to provide our readers with real, hands-on, honest, in-depth reviews, hard-hitting opinions, as well as the latest industry news in an unbiased ‘narrative’ style. We maintain a pro-vaping position in all matters pertaining to our chosen industry. We will never risk our integrity, and our position as an industry leader, we will always tell it like it is, honestly and with facts to back it up. What you read in our publication is not only 100% original content, but also content written by a staff that is passionate about our industry and sworn to produce honest and unbiased content. Tobacco Kills Spinfuel eMagazine was born out of the dismal realization that there remains some 43-million Americans still consuming tobacco products, the majority of which consume tobacco through the common, but deadly, ‘tobacco cigarette’ (often called ‘analog’ cigarettes in the electronic cigarettes community). Even worse, more than 1.2 billion people over the globe continue to consume tobacco products causing millions upon millions of early deaths, diseases, and other health issues that cost us all billions upon billions of dollars every year. There IS a better way, and if you are reading this you already know that we believe this ‘better way’ is through the use of electronic cigarettes (eCigs). The eCigarette is an infinitely safer, more enjoyable way to experience the benefits (yes, benefits) of nicotine consumption, in moderation, without the dangers of carcinogens and other poisons found in tobacco. Scam Alerts As in any industry there are frauds, criminals, and cheats, and the electronic cigarettes industry has its share. It is our intention to call these companies out when we find them, to help our readers avoid being victimized by them, and to help others remove them from the industry through tougher regulation and self-monitoring by good eCigarette, e-juice, and accessory manufacturers, vendors, and retail companies so that the government’s involvement in our industry is effective, but minimal. Safer = Better The bottom line is that we believe the eCigarette to more than simply a safer way to consume nicotine. Every staff member enjoys “vaping” (using eCigarettes) as a hobby. We enjoy trying out new products, talking about new products, and spreading the word about new products. Vaping, in moderation, is enjoyable, relaxing, and safe. It’s Just The Beginning Over the next few years the electronic cigarette industry will explode into a multi-billion dollar industry. Companies will come and go, and regulations may get tougher as the understanding of our industry widens, and Spinfuel eMagazine wants to lead the way. Who and What is Spinfuel eMagazine? Spinfuel eMagazine was founded by John Manzione, a publisher on the Internet since 1994. Serving as the Editor-in-Chief for Spinfuel, John is dedicated to following this Mission Statement of providing honest, in-depth reviews and opinion, and to assisting in any way we can to strengthen the industry and to help steer new “Vapers” through the treacherous waters of this new marketplace. Now Let’s Meet The Team John Manzione – Publisher – Editor-in-Chief – John is a writer, professional photographer and businessman. Publishing on the Internet since 1994 John has seen a lot of trends come and go, but electronic cigarettes are no trend, it’s a lifestyle change. Spinfuel exists because there is a need for an online publication that cares more about the consumer than it does the companies that provide the products. Dedicated to the truth, at any cost, John refuses to look the other way when inferior products are pawned off as great products. Julia Hartley-Barnes - Writer Photographer – Julia has been a member of the Spinfuel team for more than a decade, helping John publish MacNET!, XtremeCamera, and other successful online publications. A successful stock photographer Julia travels extensively and has visited some parts of the world we never knew existed. Jim Kurz – Jim is our editor of the Spinfuel Vapers News. Jim is responsible for combing through hundreds of daily, weekly, and monthly news sources in order to gather together the most interesting news about electronic cigarettes and to present them to our readers in bite-size morsels. Since Jim took over the Vapers News readership there has exploded more than 1000%. Steve Kaderabek - Steve is our Social Media Director, meaning he’s the one responsible for making sure our name, our brand, and our responsibility to the vape community is well met. Steve manages our Facebook page, our Google Plus page, our Twitter account (@Spinfuel_Steve) and all other social media accounts that we’ve established over the past 2 years. Dave Foster - Dave is our Graphics, Coding, IT, and gofer. Dave is the most overworked and underpaid employee at Spinfuel. Dave manually publishers every article you read, creates every graphic you see, and handles advertising requests, invoicing, stocking, and communications. If it needs to be done Dave is usually the one doing it. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS MARK BENSON – Mark is a contributing author for Spinfuel eMagazine. His continuing columns will bring a levelheaded approach to the dynamics involved in realizing a positive future for the e-cigarette industry. For more information on OK Eliquids and other products available please visit the OKCigs website. Advertising There are limited Advertising opportunities on Spinfuel eMagazine and if you are interesting in raising your brand awareness you can contact via email at admin@spinfuel.com We will only partner is good and decent companies and individuals that want only the best for our industry. If your company offers “Risk Free Trials“, and “Auto Ship Programs” there is no need to make an inquiry, you will be turned down. Spinfuel eMagazine does not engage in any affiliate marketing. We are not interested in hawking products in exchange for a cut of the profits. Please do not contact us about your affiliate programs. Copyright notice: Everything in Spinfuel eMagazine, from website design, graphics, and the written word is copyrighted by Spinfuel LLC. “The Art of Vaping” is trademarked and protected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). ALL rights are reserved.
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Spinfuel EMagaine

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Aug 08, 2018 to Aug 06, 2020
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They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Spinfuel EMagaine inventory partners include: google.com, appnexus.com, districtm.io.
Spinfuel EMagaine works with Advertising technology companies such as SiteScout, DoubleClick.Net, Dstillery, Commission Junction, PepperJam Network, Adbutler, eXelate, Eyeota, AppNexus, Neustar AdAdvisor, Openads/OpenX, Geniee, X Plus One, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Aggregate Knowledge, Rocket Fuel, Index Exchange, Tapad, Advertising.com, DemDex, IponWeb BidSwitch, Media Innovation Group, DistrictM Direct, AppNexus Reseller, Google Reseller, Ads.txt, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt, ShareASale.
They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. According to their Ads.txt, Spinfuel EMagaine inventory partners include: google.com, appnexus.com, districtm.io.
Spinfuel EMagaine works with Advertising technology companies such as SiteScout, DoubleClick.Net, Dstillery, Commission Junction, PepperJam Network, Adbutler, eXelate, Eyeota, AppNexus, Neustar AdAdvisor, Openads/OpenX, Geniee, X Plus One, Pubmatic, Rubicon Project, Aggregate Knowledge, Rocket Fuel, Index Exchange, Tapad, Advertising.com, DemDex, IponWeb BidSwitch, Media Innovation Group, DistrictM Direct, AppNexus Reseller, Google Reseller, Ads.txt, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt, ShareASale.